"What is this"

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Violets p.o.v

"What is this" I asked in shock

"It's for you baby" he said walking up to me in a nice button up shirt and black pants

I looked around and he had a row of lights leading a path to the living room where a big blanket had been laid on the ground for a pick nick. I turned around and Lilly and Justin smiled at me

"Told you not to worry" Lilly mouthed to me as she slowly closed the door to give me and Raegan privacy.

He took my hand and lead me down the lit up rose covered path

"I feel so unprepared" I said as we sat down

"Why babe" he asked

"Because this is such a fancy thing and you look so nice and I'm just here in your sweater and some short" I said with a slight giggle

"I think you look beautiful"he said leaning over and kissing me "now for some bubbly"

I raised an eye brow at him "don't worry it's just apple cider" he said with a wink

I giggled as struggled to get the cork off the bottle

"Almost there" he said pulling the cork almost free "There we go" he said out of breath as he grabbed the two glasses sitting next to eachother

Time skip

We were taking and laughing and just having a great time till he stood up and stretched his arm out

"Where are we going now" I asked as I grabbed his hand

"A place where the night will get better" he said with a smirk

"Better?" I asked

He didn't say anything just lead me to the stairs where another lit up rose petal path.

We approached my room door and it had "welcome home" written on it in purple paint,I giggled at it as he opened the door

I was shocked to see what he has done

"Babe what is this" I said starting to get teary eyed

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"Babe what is this" I said starting to get teary eyed

"It's for you" he replied being me into the middle of the room right in front of the bed and cAndles

He continued "baby we have been through so much together and you have saved me from the horrible mentality I was in before I met you. You have made my life complete and empty when I almost lost you due to my dumb mistakes. But I promise you I will never leave your side again until you order me away. You mean everything to me and I can't image my life without you"

Raegan's p.o.v

I saw  a tear slip down Violets face and it took a lot of  strength not to do the same

"I promise you make you happy each and everyday of our life and to be there for you when you fall" I took a deep breath and tried to stop shaking as I slowly pulled to box out of my pocket

"I promise you make you happy each and everyday of our life and to be there for you when you fall" I took a deep breath and tried to stop shaking as I slowly pulled to box out of my pocket

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"Violet Skys will you do me the great honor of marring me?"

"RaegAn I-"

Read right Through me -A Raegan Beast FanficWhere stories live. Discover now