"He's been here all night"

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Hey! This is kinda an emotional  chapter so enjoy😊

Violet p.o.v

"Violet" I heard someone whisper

I slowly opened my eyes to see Justins  face in front of mine.

"Hey your doctor  needs you to wake up" he says

I rub my eyes and try to get up but am met with pain.

"In pain huh?" The doctor said

"Uh yea" I said as I laid back down

"Well that will be gone in about 2 minutes. But what I am going to have you do is sit up slowly and we are going to tape these wireless monters  to your sides to allow you to move and walk with out dragging these with you" she said pointing to the big machines

I slowly sat up and the nurse began to use the uncomfortable  hospital  tape to tape one machine  on each of my sides.

"Now the one on your right is for your pain medication and it will give you some every hour and a half and then the one on your left is for your brain monotor. So you are good to get up and do things in the hospital, but if they start to beep come right back here and call me" she said smiling

"Okay, can I put on regular clothes?" I asked

"Yes but make sure it is very baggy because we don't want any clothing item touching buttons." She said then walked away

I got up and put one one of Justin sweaters and some of his joggers cause they were very lose.

"I'm gonna go get something from the vending machine" he said standing  up

"Im gonna come" I said walking next to him

We walked out of my room and down the hall and we came to the waiting room when I saw Reagan asleep in a chair.

"How long has he been here?" I asked Justin

"He has been here since last night and refuses to leave" he said looking at me

I turned around and sped walked back to my room.

"Violet at least talk to him" Justin said entering behind me

"I don't want to Justin, he lied and hurt me" I said sitting on the bed

"Just please do it, talk to him" he said looking at me

"Who's side are you on Justin" I asked annoyed

"Yours but last night when I was coming back from my house and he stopped me and asked if he could explain everything to me, and I really think you should here it" he said

He looked at me with puppy dog eyes
"Fine but tonight" I said

"Yay" Justin said

I just rolled my eyes and giggled

Time skip

I woke up to Justin tapping me,

"What Justin what" I said getting up

"Im am about to leave" he said

"Okay, are u coming back?" I asked

"Yea, I'm just gonna go shower and stuff and be right back" he said

"Okay have fun" I said trying to get him to leave so I could go back to sleep

"and while I am gone you need to talk to Raegan" he continued

"Ugggh justin" I said laying down, "I doubt he is still even here" 

"He is still here" Justin said

"Really?" I said not beliving him

"Yes, he refuses  to leave until you get discharged from here" he said

"Okay fine, send him in when you leave" I said sitting back up

"Thank you" he said hugging me then walking out of the room

Reaganp.o.v (hey he's back lol)

I was just sitting in the uncomfortable hospital  chairs scrolling threw instagram when I saw Violets friend Justin tagged her in something.

It was a picture of her standing up with her hospital  gown lifted up so you could see the wireless machines tapped to her sides with the caption still has the brightest smile, even in the hospital

My eyes started to get watery  knowing that not only did I cause the love of my life to be in the hospital, but not being able to be in the room with her because  of my mistakes.

I locked my phone a put it I'm my pocket, as soon as I did that Justin came up to me

"Listen, I convinced  her to let you explain everything to her because  I belive you and I know how  much you love each other, but if mess this up you will be the one in the hospital  because  you have put that girl through so much that she didn't deserve," and with that said Justin just walked away

I quickly  stood up and walked to her room.

"Come in" she said as I knocked

I slowly walked in and saw her in a sweater that wasn't mine.

"Hey" I said walking towards her

"Hey" she said in looking down

"Look Violet I never lied to you" I said starting off

"Oh really then what do you call that little stunt you pulled yesterday" she said already  annoyed

"Okay I'll tell you everything but don't say anything until I am done.. deal?" I asked

"Deal" she confirmed

"Okay here goes nothing, when everything with Jack first started at the party I knew that I wanted to be the one to protect you. But that started to change when everything happened with my supporters, I knew that I couldn't stop or save you from anything that people were doing on the internet. And the night when I saw you laying on the bathroom floor I knew I had failed. Then when you I saw how what Jack had said  at school effected you   it made me so  mad and I couldn't  stop my hands, and then hearing you scream once I hit him killed me inside because what I thought I was doing to help you just made you more scared of me. That's when I knew that I wasn't protecting you or saving you. The only thing I was doing was hurting you and I couldn't let myself do that to you. So that's when I decided if I left, your life would be better, and happier. After I left the park that day I went home and cried and stayed in bed for the next few days until last night. I knew that I had to do something to get you off my mind so I went to that party, got high and drunk. That girl just happened  to be there and coming on to me so I gave in. But then I saw you there and I died inside seeing your face. Then when Jack pushed you out the window and you went to the hospital  I rode in the ambulance  with you and never left your side until Justin got there and I knew you would be happier to see him when you woke up then me. Since then I have never left to hospital, I even have my brother drop clothes off for me and I shower in an empty patients  room, because if something were  to  happen to  you while I am gone I wouldn't be able to live with myself " I said as I looked down as tears streamed down my face, then I felt the arms I had missed so much around me.

Hey! Hoped you enjoyed that make sure to Pls comment  and vote😁😙

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