"Hes isny good for her!"

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SUPER SORRY I haven't updated in a while I have been busy with school and crap but I am gonna get back into updating and start doing it 3 times a week so stay turned for that but until then enjoy

Raegan's  p.o.v

"Stop Justin!" Lilly said grabbing Justin's hand right before it touched my face

"He did this!" He yelled "you turned off her machine you did it! You never loved her! Why did you even bother coming back!! She was happy finally she didn't need you anymore!" He yelled as Lilly took him out of the waiting room

I just stood there thinking could it have been me?  No it couldn't be I would never do that....I love her

Justin's p.o.v

"Justin he didn't do it!" Lilly said

"Well then who did!? Violet would never do something that stupid to risk her life." I said

"I don't think she would" Lilly said

"Think? You don't think? Who side are you on Lilly?!" I said as Lilly looked down in silence "You really believe that Violet would do something like that? Are you really tAking his side?" Again she said nothing

I just stormed out, I couldn't believe that Lilly would believe the man that had put Violet through so much.

Raegans p.o.v

Lilly walked back in with her head down.

"He doesn't believe me does he" I asked as she sat next to me

"It's just a lot for him right now but I think he will come around" she said putting her hand on my thigh

I looked up at  her as her hand wiped the tear that had fallen off of my cheek.

Time skip

"Rae come on she out of surgery" Lilly said shaking me

I hoped up and we walked to her new hospital and slowly entered

"Violet?" Lilly whispered as she slowly walked in alone

Then she came back out and motioned me to come in, when I did Violet was laying on the bed snuggled up with Justin

"Hey Babe" I said but she didn't say anything

"How long has she been out of surgery" Lilly asked since we had both fallen asleep

"For about an hour" Justin replied

"Did the doctor say anything" I asked

He didn't answer, so then Lilly asked the same question

"She said that she isn't gonna put her back on the wireless machines " he said getting up from the bed

" Justin, you can't just ignore Raegan" she said

"Why not? He pretends like he loves Violet" he said

"I do love her.... more then anything in the world" I said

"Oh really then why did you turn off her machine?" He asked getting angry

"I didn't turn it off!" I said mad

"Then who did!" He yelled

"Stop! All this fighting isn't good for Violet" Lilly yelled

"He isn't good for Violet!" Justin said stepping close to me

"Hit me I dare you" I said as Justin got in my face "Violet would never talk to you again" I yelled

"Oh please she would thank me" he yelled back

"Stop!" Violet yelled finally speaking "Raegan didn't turn it off" she said looking down

"What are you saying Violet" Lilly said walking over to her

"Raegan didn't turn it off..I did" she said looking down at her hands

"Violet why would you do that?" I asked sitting next to re on the bed and intertwining our fingers

"On the stair well, we were having such and intimate moment and then it started to beep and I don't want you to freak out and end the conversation so I turned it off" she said "I'm sorry guys"

"No need to say sorry, all that matters it that you are safe " Lilly said

Time skip

"Lilly can you hand me my phone" I whispered not wanting to wake Violet who was laying on my chest

"Raegan" I heard Justin say

I looked up and he motioned me to go out into the hall. So I quietly got up and went to the hall with him

"Yea Justin what's up" I asked shutting the room door

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry...for everything I said and did today" he said

"No it's fine I understand where you are coming from and I don't expect you to trust me after everything that has happened" I replied

"Yead but I should have taken all of my emotions on you" he said

"It's fine Justin, now lets go get some food"

Hey! I hope you enjoyed pls man  sure to vote and comment because it really means a lot to me.... love you ❤️❤️

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