"I need you to calm down"

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Violets p.o.v

I woke up to sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said anwsering Justins face time call

"Hey BB!" He said smiling

"Justin it's 6:30 why are you calling" I asked

"I told you I was gonna, but I have to go but I will be over after school." He said walking outside

"Okay bye love you" I said

"Love you BB!" He said as I hung up and went back to sleep

Raegan's p.o.v

"Raegan!!!" Violet said  all of a sudden

"What" I said looking up at her

"Let's go explore!" She said excited

"I don't think we can leave" I said back

"Yea we can, the nurse said but if one of the machines start beeping we have to come back." She said "pleaaaaassssseeeee"

"Fine let's go" I said as she jumped out of the hospital  bed

We walked around the hospital  taking stairs instead of elevators to explore more. I'm not gonna lie it was fun to get to spend some time with Violet even if it was exploring a hospital.

We sat on the stairs of the floor before hers.

"Raegan how did it feel...to leave" she asked all of a sudden

"Um. It hurt...a lot and it's a feeling of dread and pain that I wouldn't wish on anyone because you feel like you lost everything because I did and it was one of the biggest mistakes  ever."  I said intertwining out finger together

"When you were gone..how did you..cope" she asked

"I didn't that's the thing. I spent days laying in bed regretting what I did and that night at the party I felt I needed something to finally help me. But that just made me regret  everything more." I said looking at her

She didn't say anything, she just hugged me and I hugged back.

"Can we go get food?" She asked pulling away

"Yea" I said laughing "Let's go back to the room so I can grab my phone"

We went up the stairs and started to walk down a empty hall way that lead to the waiting room. Then I notice that Violet wasn't next to me anymore. I turned around and she was just standing there looking at me.

"Violet?" I asked

She didn't anwser she just started to shake, and as she did this her fingers started to turn blue and she collapsed onto the ground continuing to shake.

"Violet!" I yelled as I ran to her and picked her up, but it was hard since she was still violently shaking

"Help!!!" I yelled as I ran into the main section of the floor

4 nurses ran over with a stretcher and took her from my arms.

"What why are they strapping her down!"I said in a panic  as a 5th nurse came in and tried to lead me to the waiting room

"Sir you need to calm down" she said

"Her brain monitor is off. It  was turned off!" Another nurse yelled as she was examining Violet

"Sir did she or anyone else turn off her brain monotor." The nurse holding me back asked

"What! N-n-no everyone knows not to touch it!"I said panicking and trying to get to Violet but I was to late. They rolled her in the ICU with machines  hooked up to her.

"Sir I need you to wait in the waiting room" the nurse said coming over to me

"What a-are they doing to her I said putting my hand on the locked doors to the ICU

"Her brain monotor was turned off meaning that the electronic shock  the machine was sending to her brain stopped and the brain lost oxgen, cause the rest of her body to do the same and sent her into a seizure." Then nurse explained to me

She took my hand and lead me to the waiting room.

Time skip

"Hey Raegan..what's wrong!" Lilly said walking over to me, I didn't say anything I just looked at her

"Um okay well come on I want to see Violet before Justin gets here." She said motioning for me to come with her

"Violet isn't in there" I said

"What are you talking about Raegan?" She said worried

"Her brain monotor  was turned off and sent her into a seizure,  and now she is in ICU and we aren't aloud to go in" I said as tears started to room down my face

"Who turned it off" she asked

"I don't know." I said looking down "but I promise you Lilly it wasn't me. I love her and I would never do that."

"I know" she said walking over to me and hugging me

Justins p.o.v

I walked into the waiting room and saw Raegan and Lilly. I thought it was werid since they are usually  in the room with violet.

"Hey guys. Is Violet sleeping or something?" I asked

Raegan looked up at me with red puffy eyes and a tear stained face.

"Lilly what's going on " I asked starting to get worried

"Justin" she said pulling me into the middle of the waiting room" Violet is in the ICU because her brain monotor  was turned off and sent her into a seizure."

"You did this!" I said walking toward Raegan lifting up my fist

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