"I wasn't scared, I was worried" 5

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This is kinda sort and wasn't edited by my friend, so old excuse any mistakes

Violets p.o.v

I walked threw the doors Raegan went out and started to look for him, but it was dark and hard to see.

I searched until I came upon the steps to the Patio, and there he was.

"Raegan?" I said walking towards him

He looked up at me "Oh um hey Violet" I walked over and sat next to him.

"Thank you" I said

"For what?" He said turning toward me

"Sticking up for me."

"Oh it was no problem" he said looking down "I'm sorry"

"For what, you don't have anything to be sorry about" I replied

"Yes I do. When Kale stopped me from puncing that dude, I looked at you, and I saw the fear in your face. It was the worst feeling ever, you were scared of me Violet and I never want you to be" he said looking at me with sad eyes

"Raegan," I said as I intertwined his fingers with mine," I wasn't scared, I was worried. I didnt know what that guy was capable of and I didnt want you to do something you would regret because of me."

"I would do anything for you if it meant keeping you safe," he said looking at me caringly

I put my head on his shoulder and we sat in silence. Not an awkward silence, a good kinda silence.

"Hey, um what did you mean when you said I was your girlfriend?" I said breaking the silence

"Oh um, I just said that to scare him" he replied

"Oh" I replyed  kinda disappointed

"But I mean you kinda friend-zoned me early so.."

"What when?"

"In class you said 'we are friends, thats all' "  he said looking down

"I didn't mean it like that" I said looking down

"What did you mean?" He said looking at me

I sighed and looked at Him, "I was just scared that you were just being a fuckboy, so in order for me to not fall for it, I had to say it," 

"Violet, I never have, and never will be a fuck boy when it comes to you. You made me fall for you..hard. I wouldn't give that up. "

"Thanks Raegan." I said smiling

Raegan p.o.v

I was ready..this was the time

"Violet, I would never hurt you or risk what we have. I fell for you the minute you said hi to me. Your not like other girls and I like that. I like you.A lot. Will you do me the honor of letting me call you mine" I said looking at her

She didnt answer, just looked at me trying to see if I was sincere or not.

"Mr.Beast, I would love to be your girlfriend." she said with a smile

I smiled and pulled her into a hug not ever wanting to let go of her.

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