True Cross Academy

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EDIT: I have started the revision of this book! I apologize for all the notifications you are going to see from me and I hope you like this edited version. I wrote this in like 6th/7th grade lmao.

(Y/n)= Your Name

(L/n)= Last Name

(B/n)= Brother's Name

*Your POV*
I woke up to the smell of dust and mold. After my brother died I had to live on my own considering my parents had also died when I was very young. I lived alone in a terrible apartment that didn't cost much.

I had to get my uniform out of my closet. I then changed and tried to make the skirt longer by pulling at the hem of the skirt, but obviously, it didn't work. "If this is what I have to do to avenge (B/N), I'll do it. Whatever the cost!" I exclaimed. I was then hushed by the cranky old neighbor, I won't miss them. "Let's do this," I said, with that, I returned my apartment keys to the landlord and said my final goodbyes.

I stuck my earbuds in and listened to (Favorite Band). I hummed along to the song playing on my playlist. I was crossing the road when a pink Lamborghini came and almost hit me!

"C'mon man! You almost hit me! Can you please watch where your driving! You are bound -" I stopped when Mephisto came out of the car and looked at me with a smirk. I then smirked back and tried to kick him because he almost ran me over. I've always had a bad temper. I just don't show it very often. "Don't mind me. I'm here to pick you and 2 others up to go to True Cross. No worries alright, alright!" Mephisto said in a carefree voice. I rolled my eyes at him being so laid back.

"Who are these '2 others' that you speak of?" I ask in a suspicious voice. I didn't think 3 kids were enrolling on the same day. It was just very fishy to me. "Oh, there they are! Rin, Yukio! Say hello to (Y/N)! She's also enrolling into True Cross" Mephisto said. I looked at Rin and Yukio. They looked at me with their blue eyes and I looked at them with my (Eye Color) orbs.

This was going to be an interesting adventure.

*Rin's POV*
She's so pretty. Her eyes sparkle in the sunlight. Yukio has then pointed out that I was staring at her. "I'm sorry!" I yelled. I didn't want her to think I was creepy. "It's ok! You're Rin I'm assuming?" She said.

"How do you know my name?" I ask. I was curious. "Oh, well Mephisto told me that 'Rin' was very immature and weird. So I figured it out on my own. Plus, Yukio introduced himself while you were staring at me." She said. Woah, this girl was smart. She had figured me out and we met 5 minutes ago. "Also my name is (Y/N)(L/n)." She said. "Rin Okumura, nice to meet you!" I said. I didn't feel the need to be formal.

*Yukio POV*
I can already tell Rin likes her. But, we barely know anything about this chick. She refused to talk about her past which was fishy to me. I had to bring out the big guns so she would talk.

I pulled out a pistol and yelled, "Are you hiding something in your past? If so we need to know so we don't get on touchy subjects on accident" She started shaking so I put the pistol back in my bag. She then calmed down and started talking.

"Well, my mom and dad died when I was about 2 and my brother was killed by Satan when I was 5. I've been living alone since my brother died so, there aren't really intriguing things about me. Well except for one thing. I don't choose to talk about it though. I'm sorry" (Y/N) said. "I'm sorry but I'd like to know what you don't want to talk about." I was being risky asking but she opened up very quickly. Didn't put much thought into it I guess. "Fine. But you can't tell anyone." She said. Rin and I nodded and she started.

*Your POV*
"I'm the daughter of Yato and Hiyori. The god and goddess of calamity" I said (A/N yes I put some Norigami into this story. Deal with it. Continue) "Oh. That's not bad. Is it?" Rin asked. "Not Really..." I answered. They said ok and we were off to True Cross.

To Be Continued...
Edited on- 6/13/19 @ 4:51pm

Edited again on- June 18, 2021, @5:43 pm

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now