Her Past.

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Well. I feel like crap lol. Why you may ask! You'll see the reason in the first paragraph of this chapter! Enjoy this crap lolol

*Your POV*
It was my 3rd try on this game. I'm not giving up on this trivial thing! I need to get the gosh-darned Yoosung or Seven routes! I then see the video that usually pops up when they put you down easy on being a failure! I screamed "Fuck you!" to my phone and dropped it on my bed. I fell on my back onto the bed but, then I fell off my bed and hurt my hip. "Shit!" I yell again. Today is just making me aggravated holy fuck.

*Rin POV*
I was in the kitchen doing homework with Yukio. It was Friday afternoon and I was catching up on some work. Then I hear "Screw You!" From upstairs and I ignore it. Then about 5 minutes later I hear a thump upstairs and "Crap!" Being yelled. Yukio and I ran upstairs to see what was happening. We see (Y/n) on the floor, getting up slowly. She finally gets on her feet and Yukio says "You failed again didn't you?" What?! "What did you fail at?" I ask. I was really confused. "Mystic Messenger." She bluntly answered. "What's that?" I ask again. "I told you about it last week." She simply says. "She told me about it last week too." Yukio adds. "Mystic Messenger is a game where you text fake people to do a mission and you end up with one of the people that you were texting." She explains. "Oh." Is all I had to say.

"Do you need to punch something?" Yukio asks. She growls a little and nods. We got to the gym that I usually practice my powers in. She saw punching bags and went to those. She kicked some soccer balls, and we played volleyball so she could serve, bump, and spike. (A/n- Fun Fact: I play school volleyball) She was being quite aggressive with volleyball. She was really good at serving and setting. I was amazed! How did she do that?! "How are you so good!" I ask. "I played in middle school" She replies with a smirk. "Rin, (Y/n) played Volleyball and (Favorite Sport) in Middle School. She was part of the Junior High Athletics program." Yukio states. "Anything else about her Middle School life?" I ask. "Well, let's see." Yukio then continues "She struggled a-lot in math. She was a theatre kid. Always checked out Manga. And let's see...oh! She was a Middle School dropout!" Yukio said. 

(Y/n) looked at Yukio when he said that. She ran to him and was literally about to strangle him. I grabbed her in time so she wouldn't hurt him. "Why are you so mad about it?!" I asked/yelled. She settled and started talking. "I left school because of my depression." She said in a low voice. "It was too hard to keep up with school when tons of negative thoughts crowded your mind instead. I was also super prone to get sick. I would usually stay home 4 out of 5 days a week anyway and I would fall behind. Since I lived alone I also had a job and with Homework and Catch-Up Work on top of that. It was just too much for me to handle. My brother and parents were gone so I didn't need the approval to leave school. I could just decide and leave. That was the glory of it! I could do whatever the heck I wanted and no one cared. So I left since it was too hard to do everything at once. The school understood and let me go without any arguments. So I left. Simple as that." She finished. 

"How hard was losing your brother at such a young age?" I ask. "It was difficult. I was 5 at the time so I couldn't own a house or work for money. I lived with my best friend until I was 12, then I moved out on my own. I pretended to be a college student who enrolled online. My age was 19, not 12. I felt free. For the first time. It was hard but, I discovered more about myself." She concluded. "Let's get going. You're done right??" Yukio asks. "Yeah let's go." (Y/n) replied.

A/n- Sorry for the short chapter! Oh my god, we have 416 reads as I post this! That means I'll post all my Blue Exorcist photos OR you can dare the Blue Exorcist characters. You pick in the comments! Thanks for reading and supporting me in this story! Morgan Out!
Total Words- 789 😂

Future Morgan: Bruh Idk why I made this book, I am remembering how mentally I was as I read this

Edited on- June 19, 2021 @ 6:20 pm

New Word Total- 806

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now