Lost In The Woods

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*Your POV*
I started running. Running was the only escape. I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to get away from people, from society. If someone comes for me. I'm alright with leaving. I'm not sure if anyone will come to see me though. I'll find my way and I know I will. I have 3 battery packs with a full charge so I'll be good for 2 days at the least. "(Y/N)!! COME BACK!!" I hear someone yell, it scared me so I ran into a bush. I started to bleed again. I had to run away.

*Rin POV*
She just ran off. I couldn't stop her. She wouldn't stop. "(Y/N)!! COME BACK!!" I yell. She continues to run off. I need to go back to camp so I can talk to Yukio. "Yukio! Shura! (Y/N) ran off into the woods and she's gone!" I yelled. I heard some gasps and a whisper or two from the others. "Did she get scared by the purple flames? We saw those flames from afar." Bon said. Oh no...they saw her flames. "Those flames were kinda sorta...(Y/N)'s flames," I say with nerves in my voice. Yukio clearly saw I was nervous because his expression softened when I came into the camp. "Let's go find her!" Shura suggests. 

"Alright, class! I'll pair you up with someone and we will all search around the camp!" Yukio announces. "Alright Team 1 is Me, Rin, and Shura, Team 2, Kamiki, Moryama, and Team 3 Bon, Shima, and Konokomuru" Yukio says. "Team 1 of Me Rin and Shura will go north, team 2 of Kamiki, Moriyama will go east, and team 3 of Bon, Shima, and Konokomuru will go south. Team 1 will also cover the west. Get going in 3, 2, 1!" Yukio finished. Let's hope we find her.

*Your POV*
I kept going until I couldn't take it anymore. You know I'm coming right? Shut up inner demon! Ugh. I've been having this voice in my head. I'm going to become a full demon if it consumes me. I'm this close (L/N). I'm gonna come out tonight! I growled at the voice. Woah, girl! Calm it. "Shut up!" I yelled. The next thing I know, I was screaming because of the pain in my stomach. "Help me! Rin! Yukio! Shura! Someone help me!" I screamed.

*Rin POV*
I heard a faint scream from the distance. Purple flames! "Guys it's her!" I pointed to the purple glow. "She has purple flames?!" Yukio exclaims. She starts floating in the air. Her hair is braided (if you have short hair ignore that) and was evolving into her demon form. Her hair was turning (Favorite Color) and one of her eyes was turning (Second Favorite Color) and the other one stayed (Eye Color). "(Y/N)!" I yelled. We all ran towards her. "What's happening?!" I question. "She's becoming a full-blown demon as you did!" Yukio explains. She was changed into another outfit.

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It was so different from what she would usually wear. She stared at me dead into eyes.

Just when I thought the battle was over...

it was just beginning...

Edited on- June 19, 2021 @ 5:42 pm

New Word Total- 553

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now