The Trial...

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We tied against the team again 🙄

Future Morgan here: past Morgan, YOU WERE ON B TEAM OF COURSE YALL FUCKING TIED 

Anyways, enjoy the chapter :))  

*Your POV*
That's it. I'm gone. The inner demon has awoken inside of me. I screamed. I needed help, asap. Purple flames surrounded me. I'm done for. I've never cried in my life. This is a first. I can't see. I see black. I'm stuck inside. The demon inside me...has consumed me. I'm shaking. I'm crying a waterfall. I started talking about my worries and issues to hope I would come back. "I'm a freak. I've never been normal. I love Rin, he's what pushes me to try harder. (True Story). He always has the answers, never for school tho." I stopped speaking and I saw lights. I was hoping to get closer. Maybe that will bring me back to conciseness. I get closer and closer to the light with lots of work. "I'm here" I say quietly. I can feel my limbs again. "(Y/n)?" Rin says quietly. I put my sword back in its case. I breathe in and out. I'm ready for the consequence of my sin. "Am I being punished?" I ask quietly. 

As soon as I say that I get pushed down and a sword is at my throat. "Yes. (Y/n) (L/n), you are sentenced to a court jury at the branches. I will need some others to come with me. The witnesses. I call Yukio Okumura, Shiemi Moriyama, Ryuji Suguro, and

Rin Okumura."

*Rin POV*
I have to go to her trail?! I hope I don't say the wrong thing and get her killed. She walks slowly past me. She doesn't say anything. We all get into the cart to drive to go to the trail. All of a sudden she starts crying and yelling. "I'm dead! I'm not going to survive! I don't deserve to live anymore! What happened to me!" (Y/n) yells while crying. Shiemi was sitting next to her while Bon, Yukio and I were sitting across. "You're not dead (Y/n), you're gonna survive, you're such a good person! You aren't a terrible person. Who cares if you're a demon? Rin is a demon and we're all still his friends. Nothing bad happened to you. You're just special. If you're gonna die I want to know that you don't deserve this." Shiemi says calmly. She was crying even hard and we all crowded around her to comfort her. "It's alright (Y/n)." Yukio states. "You're not dying. We're all going to say the best things about you! You're gonna stay with us." Bon replys. "You're one of the best people who has walked into the classroom. You aren't going to leave us! You're completely safe with us on your jury." I say. She looks up a puts on a fake smile. Shiemi gets a tissue out of her bag. Before we knew it we were here. We sat at a bench with nameplates on the table. Mr. Yukio Okumura on the very left. Next to him Ms. Shiemi Moriyama. To her right Mr. Ryuji Sugaro. And then on the very right

Mr. Rin Okumura...

*Your POV*
I saw the nameplates and I was scared. There were witnesses, members of the Vatican, and just observers. Apparently, they are broadcasting this live on the news. I thought my demon powers were secret. An announcement was out on the speaker 'This trial will not be broadcasted to the world. We need to keep this secret is very important. The trial will start in 2 minutes.' The announcement ended. Good, True Cross would hate me if they knew. The table was hit by a gavel 3 times and then they started to speak. "All Rise." We all stood up. "We are here in the case of (Y/n) (L/n) and her demonic powers. We have four witnesses. Mr. Yukio Okumura, Ms. Shiemi Moriyama, Mr, Ryuji Suguro, and Mr, Rin Okumura. All sit". We all go back into our seats. "First witness, Yukio Okumura." The judge said.

*Yukio POV*
I was called up first. I can imagine what it's like for Rin right now. The girl he loves being put on trial and possibly sentenced to death. I can't exactly imagine what that's like. "Mr. Okumura, I'd like to know your feelings about Ms. (L/n)." The judge says. "She's one of the best students in my class. She has the can-do spirit that everyone loves. She's quite friendly and a very energetic girl. Life wouldn't be the same without her. Heck, She's even a higher rank than me." I concluded. "What rank is she?" He asks. "She's Upper 1st Class sir" I reply
(Here are the rankings. Yukio is Middle 1st I think) ⬇️

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now