Panic Attacks

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This story is inspired by me almost having a panic attack during volleyball practice...enjoy :)

*Your POV*
I was still glaring at Shizou. When will he learn? I jump onto the desk, ready to jump on him. Right as I get in the air I feel 2 pairs of hands on me. 1 pair on my legs, the other on my waist. I look directly at Shizou with the most demanding glare I've been working on. He was glaring daggers back at me. I guess he wanted to win this time. Not today Shizuo, not ever. "You can't beat me you little son of a-" I was cut off by a hand being placed over my mouth. 

I was carried away by Rin, Yukio, and Izaya. I was squirming, trying to escape their grip. But, that's oblivious didn't work, so I just dealt with it a crossed my arms. They brought me downstairs and I was at a gym place? Where ever this is. Izaya took his hand off my mouth and started talking. "Listen here, whatever that was, I've never seen that from you and I think you changed from that scared and timid 12 year old, (Y/N)"...nothing is said after that. The 3 boys looked at me as if I just committed murder. "She has bloodlust," Rin says plainly. The other 2 just keep looking back and forth at me then Rin. Me, Rin, Me, Rin, Me, Rin. "Okay! Pick someone to look at! You guys are pissing me off!" I yell. Finally done with that shit. "Why didn't you tell us (Y/N)?" Izaya asks. "I didn't know I had it before 2 days ago" I explain. "I'm going to the dorm. I'm done for today," I explain. Yukio nods and I walk off.

*Rin's POV*
"How did you know!?" Yukio questions. "I didn't think she wanted me telling the whole class, did I?! I thought it was a nice thing to do! Give me some credit for being a good friend!" I yell. I walk to the dorm with Yukio, Izaya, and Shizuo. The 3 stay downstairs while I go upstairs to check on (Y/N). I go into her room to see her under her desk in sweatpants and a black shirt, hyperventilating, and crying with fresh tears on her face. I walk up to her slowly. 

"(Y/N), are you alright?" I crouch down to her level. She is unresponsive and I try reaching her for about 2 or 3 more minutes and I still don't get a response. I run downstairs, in panic. When I make it down there I run into the kitchen, "Guys! There is something wrong with her!" I yell. Everyone gets up in a panic and we all run upstairs. We enter, seeing her in the same state as I left her. "She's been unresponsive since I was up here" I explain. They look at her. Yukio pokes her a few times and goes to our dorm. We follow him to see what he's doing. "Yukio, what are you doing?" I ask. "I have some pills for her. I used to get panic attacks but I grew out of it when I was 14. But I still had some pills lying around just in case. Lucky thing, right?" He asks with a smile. 

I run downstairs and get some water. She just sat there. We made noise, yelled, screamed, but we didn't harm her. Shizuo had the idea if we tickled her she would respond. We didn't know where to tickle her, because we aren't perverts. So we each had a different idea. Yukio tried her neck. No response. Shizuo tried behind her ear. No reply. Izaya tried her foot. Nothing. I tried her ribs. She tingled. "She moved!" I yelled. "Well keep tickling her!" Yukio yelled. I kept ticking her ribs for about 8 minutes and she finally burst out laughing. "RIN...STOP...I CAN'T BREATHE!" She yelled. I stopped and we had her take the pills.

*Your POV*
Rin was ticking me and I couldn't breathe. Gasping for air I finally told him that I COULDNT FUCKING BREATHE. Does he have any boundaries? Ah yes, I love air. Boy was he some work. "Do you have any respect for personal space! I couldn't breathe! You couldn't have stopped when I can back to conciseness?" I yelled. "You were freaking out so it was funny" Shizuo murmured. "What was that?!" I yelled. Shizuo started laughing really hard and so did the others.


A/N- I have a volleyball game tonight so I'm finishing this at lunch!

A/N- I have a volleyball game tonight so I'm finishing this at lunch!

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People were staring at me. But anyways. Thanks for reading another chapter and I have to go get food now because the line gets really long.
Morgan Out!
Total Words - 810

Future Morgan: Once again. I was not medicated and was not educated on how anxiety medications worked and now that I am medicated, I understand how it works but changing that scene would fuck up the rest of the chapter so I'm gonna leave it and you have to deal with it

Edited on June 18, 2021 @ 6:37 pm

New word total: 878

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now