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*Listen to the media when cued*

*Your POV*
We were about to board the plane. We went through security and Yukio got stopped. "Sir, can you please step aside," the guard asks. Apparently, he was selected for a random pat-down. We got onto the plane and I sat at the window seat. I put my earbuds in, listened to (Favorite Song), and ignored the twins. Did I feel bad? Maybe a little. But don't tell them that. I glanced at both of them a few times. They were talking about me. I could hear some words through my earbuds. I didn't want to hear anymore so I blasted my music. 

*Rin POV*
"She's been acting different Yukio. Is she going through life?" (Me and my friend's joke) I ask. "No. Something or someone has phased her to do something. Someone or something has made her feel and act this way. It's just her reacting to what's around her" Yukio states. "She probably heard or felt something that made her want to go back to Ikebukuro. No one goes to that hellhole unless they have a reason." Yukio continues. Hm. I wonder what phased her. I glanced at her every few minutes. She'd glance back every few hours. God, I love her. Sometimes I'd feel like I fazed her. I really hope I didn't. She's so different now.

~Time Skip Because I Get Plane Sickness and Don't Want to Talk About the Plane Process~

*Your POV*
I was currently sitting next to Rin and Yukio said to slam a book on the desk and pull his tail if he started falling asleep. He was falling asleep so I did the unpredictable. I slammed the book on the table, smacked him on the head with the book, and pulled his tail. I yelled, "GET UP OKUMURA!!!" He jumped up and fell out of his seat. I was on the floor, laughing, and gasping for air. Then the kid starts ticking my ribs. "Stop it!" I yell sternly. I kick him in the gut. "You think you're so strong, don't you? Well, you're not. I'm probably the strongest!" Rin yells. I had bloodlust in my eyes. He saw it. His face turned from cocky to scared. "Alright, let's fight in the gym. Demon vs Demon. You're on" I say. Striking fear into his eyes.

*Rin POV*
Did I actually do that? I know she's stronger than me. I was scared. She was strong and could control her flames. Yukio made a 'You know she can beat you and she's mad. I don't think you're going to live' face. I gave him an 'I'll beat her and prove you wrong' face. I knew I wasn't. He shrugged. Oh no! He doesn't care anymore...I'm in big trouble.

*Your POV*
I was at the gym, doing the last of my training. I didn't care that he loved me. I don't care that he came to Ikebukuro to bring me back. Doesn't he want me to be happy?! I walked out to the gym where we were standing in the middle. Yukio was in the middle talking. "Make this a good clean fight alright. No Death got it?" He said. I nodded and so did Rin. We both walked to the opposite side of the gym. The rule was. No death. Everything else was allowed. *Play Media Now*. 

When I heard a gunshot I ran to attack. I first jumped and sliced right. I didn't cut him but...that was for intimidation. I had my eyes closed at first. Now my eyes are open he can see the bloodlust in my eyes. They were a glowing shade of (Eye Color). I sliced at him and...I had stabbed him. I laughed. (Like Crona in Soul Eater). He messed with the wrong girl. You never mess with me when the bloodlust takes over. I was staring deeply. Yukio pulls the sword out of his brother and gets me away so I can calm down. I go to the gym a punch the punching bags for a good 1 hour and a half. He knows who he messed with. He knows what he did. He knows the damage was done. He made a pretty bad mistake. He comes into the room where I was letting my anger out. "Hey, can we talk?" Rin asks. I stay silent, continuing my anger streak. "Please" He pleads. "Fine" I answer. 

We sit down on a bench. "I'm sorry for challenging you. I know you're stronger than me." He says. "It's not your fault. I just wanted to be the person I was. I missed the old me." I say. "I always loved being the fighter. The one who intimidated everyone. Always on the news. 'Most powerful female'. It was a great title to have" I continue. "I guess I just missed who I was. I didn't want to be my true self here because I thought people would be scared of me. I'm sorry for accepting that challenge, stabbing you, and also laughing after it. It's always been a habit to laugh when I kill. I've done it before. It's hard not to be myself. I want to be who I was before I left, but I'm not sure I can back from that." I finish. "It's okay. We all have an dark side. It's what makes us humans, (Y/N). You can be yourself again if you want. No one will judge you. People will like you or they won't. It's not like you have to be friends with everyone here. Be the sarcastic, witty, clever, awkward girl you were before you left." Rin says.

"Thanks. For believing and excepting me"

A/N- Hi! Well, we lost our volleyball game last Monday but I got 6 serves over the next. It's 4:06 am so...bye!
Morgan Out!
Total Words- 982!

Future Morgan: I actually remember the volleyball game I was talking about haha

Edited on- June 19, 2021 @ 5:30 pm

New word total: 990

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now