wOaH kIdS!1!1 8.7k???

186 6 0

I've been gone for a while and I'm very sorry about that. My mom had taken my phone for a week, then I could only use it for an hour, then I could use it for 6 but my mom deleted Wattpad. I've had an interesting few months. Thank you oh so much for 8k, I honestly never thought this book would be so "popular", also I was looking through my demographics and I saw that I had readers from all over the place! France, Germany (I'm actually German), Australia, Mexico, Guatemala, The UK, Ireland, India, Philippines, Spain, and maybe more if I forgot some, and America. Shout out to my forgien readers! Please let me know if I missed your country! Comment if you are from somewhere other than the United States. Also, I would like to do a q&a for you guys but I need questions, so if you could please ask some in the comments, that would be nice. Or I'll have my friends give me questions to answer, either way, thank you so much for supporting this book. I'm also coming out as non-binary here on Wattpad. My name for now is going to be Oliver/Oli, Morgan, or Rin (my screenname), so I hope y'all except me:))))

Rin (Oli/Morgan) Kozume Out!

Total words!-210!

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now