First Day At Cram School

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*Your POV*
I walked into the cram school by using the key Mephisto gave me. Was Mephisto, lowkey (highkey), kind of annoying. The other students were right about him. He keeps telling me to make him ramen. BITCH! Make your own ramen! Anyways, today was my first official day at the cram school. Besides doing the homework, but I don't really count it. I walked in with all eyes on me. Nicknames came to me with instinct.

Bon - Piercings

Izumo - Eyebrow bitch 

Konoekomurue - Baldy's Basics looking ass 

Sheimi - Blondie

Shima - Pervert

Rin - Sparky

I smiled innocently. No one knows about my temper yet. "Hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and it's nice to meet you all" I said happily.

I look at Bon and he glared at me so I smirked back. Shima winked at me so I sent him a kinda disgusted look. Konokomurue smiled and I grinned in return. Rin nodded and I did the same. Shiemi waved, so I waved back. I could tell my friends and foes from the beginning.

I sat in the back left hand corner to scope out my peers. I put my feet up on the desk and nothing showed since I had a boy's uniform. Piercings was mean. Sparky kept falling asleep every 5 minutes. Baldy paid attention. Pervert was winking at me so I kept my disgusted face on the entire time so he would leave me alone. Eyebrow bitch played with her hair. Blondie also paid attention. Then, out of nowhere, Shura bursts though the door and requests me. "Okay," I say.

Shura brought me downstairs where Rin practiced controlling his powers. "(Y/N), I need you to become a savior knight" Shura says. "Why" I ask. "Because your training to become and Knight and Dragoon right?" Shura asks. "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked, raising my voice a bit. The bloodlust in my eyes was starting to grow. "Woah, girl calm down." (Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the nine...I'm sorry) Shura says, panicking a bit. She's never dealt with anyone with bloodlust. I grit my teeth and sent her a glare full of bloodlust. She ran upstairs yelling "Rin, Yukio!" I ran after her. I was very fast and efficient. I was slowly catching up to her. She then got into the classroom. I decided to wait outside the door.

*Yukio POV*
"Coal-tar is the lowest level demon, which means they aren't that much of a thre-" I couldn't finish because Shura comes in panting with a panicked look on her face. "What's wrong, Shura?" I asked. "(Y/N)...something happened to her" Shura says. "What happened?!" I ask in a panicked tone.  "She's gone full bloodlust and won't calm down. She's really concerning me. Either you or Rin can probably help her." Shura says in a state of panic.

*Your POV*
I was waiting outside for Shura to come back so I could kill her. The door creaks open a bit and I started to get excited. I was ready for who or what came out of that room. "(Y/N) stop now!" Rin yelled.

Yukio on the left and Shura on the right. Yukio had his pistol and Rin and Shura had their swords unsheathed. I panicked a bit on the inside but didn't show it. The others looked out the door as the 3 came closer to me. "Stay away." I say sternly.

The 3 back away about 3 steps. "What's wrong with her Yukio?" Rin asks. "She has a lot of bloodlust remember! She has a terrible temper. This is what happens sometimes. The last time this happened was 5 years ago!" Yukio yelled at Rin. I smirked at went for Shura, who was my main target, I got onto her back and she tried to shake me off.

"Guys a little help here!" Shura said annoyed. "I'll shoot her with a tranquilizer dart and hopefully it works!" Yukio yells. I was growling so loud I couldn't hear what her said. I then felt a very sharp pain in my spine and then


Absorbed Me

once again

Thanks for reading this chapter of "I didn't choose to be this way (Rin Okumura X Reader)". This took me 2.5 hours to make but I was reading Hunger Games for school while doing this is so yeah. It took a bit longer. Trees by Twenty Øne Piløts DOESNT belong to me.
Morgan Out!
It's currently 2:15 am
And I'm leaving for a plane around 9 pm.
And I also get plane sick. Kkkkiiilll mmeeeeeeeee
Total Words - 753
edited on- 6/16/19 @ 12:15pm

Future Morgan here: I hate this book with all of my passion but you guys like it so it's fine

Edited again on- June 18, 2021 @ 6:08 pm

New word count: 803

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now