Our New Teacher?!

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I was messing with my hair in this picture and my friend took it for me. I had this idea while I was taking my test today. I actually did well lol

(F/#)- favorite number

(N/n)- Nickname

*Your POV*Today is the day I become the newest teacher of True Cross Academy

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*Your POV*
Today is the day I become the newest teacher of True Cross Academy. The class I will be teaching is "Fighting Techniques". I have the best idea for the first lesson today! It's definitely gonna help them see things differently.

*Rin POV*

I heard we have a new teacher for a new class called 'Fighting Techniques'. I wonder who the teacher is. I hope they don't pick on me too much. "Okay class, as you may know, we have another teacher coming to teach you about Fight Techniques. Please welcome Ms. (Y/n) (L/n), your new teacher." Yukio addresses. (Y/n)'s the teacher?! She gonna pick on me so much! She walks in with black spandex and a blue shirt that has the number (F/#) on it. On the front of her jersey, it says 'True Cross' considering that is our school.  "Guys, come on out for today's lesson."

We all come out, including Yukio. She stands next to a Volleyball net and starts to talk. "In field missions, you have to react to change quickly. That's the whole point of Volleyball. So today we will be scrimmaging. Team Captains will be Shura and Yukio." She then continues. "Rock, paper, scissors, best 2 out of 3, the winner gets first pick." Shura wins against Yukio. Yukio looked like he was about to beat a bitch up. "Moriyama" Shura picks. (Y/n) writes 'Team Shura' and 'Team Yukio' on the board. "Rin" Yukio picked me! Yes! I feel a part of the team now! To get through this quickly, Shura picks Bon and Yukio was left with Izumo. 

"Now. The rules are simple. You can't hit the ball more than 3 times on your side. You can't hit the ball twice in a row hit you can hit it twice while it's on your side. If you want to get the ball, call 'mine' multiple times. If it's someone else's yell 'Yours' or their name. For example" she comes over to my side for the example. "If it's Rin's ball I'll yell 'Rin, Rin Rin!' And then he'll hit it and I'll say 'mine, mine, mine!' Then Rin could spike it back over if I hadn't gotten it over. You can dive for the ball but don't cry to me when your uniform rips or you get hurt. I have knee pads so I'm an exception. Now. I'll serve and throw the ball to everyone. 1st team to 25 wins a day without Cram School! Ready. I'll put you in positions." She goes to the other side to place them. 

"Moriyama will be the setter for Shura's team." (Y/n) shows Shiemi how to set and she looks flustered. But, after a few minutes, she looks like she has it. "Shura you'll be back and Bon you'll be front." She then comes over to our side. "Yukio will be the team's setter. Rin will be back and Izumo will be front with Yukio." (Y/n) walks to the back of our side. She gets into her serving position and serves to the other side. Here comes the fun part.

*Shura POV*

I'm not losing to that four-eyed chicken! (Y/n) served the ball to our side. Damn, she has power. It goes me "Mine Mine Mine!" I yell I hit it, Moriyama yells "Mine!" And sets it perfectly. I then go to spike it but, Bon runs into me. "What the hell?!" I yell out of anger. "That was my ball!" Bon argues. "Shut up! This is why you call the ball! I heard NO communication between you two. The only person I heard was Moriyama. In the field, you must have a clear and direct line of communication!" She yells. She has quite the temper. "Where did the attitude come from?!" I ask. "I got lessons from my Middle School Volleyball Coach. She was the best in the world. She's the reason how I got so good." She says and smiles. How can she smile after her past? Well she goes to the other side and serves and I set it and Shiemi spikes it over but, Rin tipped it over. And it hit the ground. She comes to my side and serves.

*Yukio POV*

The ball goes over and Rin hits it with a generic bump. "Alright! I have a challenge for all of you. Teamwork is key on missions so, I'm going to serve the ball with everyone on that side and I'll show you what I can do as one person. The same rules apply but I can hit it 3 times. Ready?" We all nod and get into position. She can serve really well, holy shit! Rin hits it and it goes over. (Y/n) spikes it to the back where no one was. "That was easy! Give me a challenge." She teases with a smirk. She serves again and gets it over. I set it and then Shura spikes. (Y/n) set it then bumped and then spiked. She was already winning at this challenge that I wanted to win so much.

~Time Skip brought to you by Mystic Messenger Memes~

*Rin POV*

We finish the game and (Y/n) was really good. I fell a few times but I didn't get hurt, my uniform got some dirt on it but, oh well. "I heard some communication from Rin, Shura, and Bon. Why is that? Communication is key in this sport or any sport. It's also very important on missions. Without communication the world is silent and you think things are bad now?! It would be way worst without communication. That's why I brought you out here. Class dismissed." She finished. (Y/n) grabs her bag and walks to the dorm. Alone. With no one. Not me. Not Yukio. No one.

*Your POV*

I want to be alone right now. It wasn't about the lesson. It's something different. Volleyball brings out the best in me so I don't know why I was so mad. Oh right, today is the day my brother died 10 years ago. I walked in and sat on my bed and put in my earbuds and listened to (Favorite Song). I wanted to be by myself. With no one else. This was how my life was for 10 years. I'm used to the feeling of loneliness.

Sadly, loneliness is my friend. and it won't leave me alone.

*Rin POV*

"(Y/n)?" I wondered where she was. I looked in the kitchen. She wasn't there. I asked Ukobach and he said she was in her room. Wow, I'm stupid sometimes. She was sitting on her bed crying. "Are you alright?" I asked. She didn't answer because she was listening to music. When she saw me she took her earbuds out and stopped crying. "What do you want?" She said aggressively. "Are you okay?" I ask concerningly (is that even a word? 😂). "I'm fine" she answered aggressively again. "No, you're not. I can tell!" I partially yell. She glares at me and says "I'm perfectly fine, Rin." I don't believe it. 

"Wanna come hang out with the rest of us (N/n)?" I ask, hoping to cheer her up. "No." She says and starts crying. I walk over to her. "What's wrong." "My brother, he died 10 years ago today." She starts crying and I leave for a minute. "Yukio how do you deal with a crying (Y/n)?" I ask. "What did you do?" "Nothing! She was sad because her brother died 10 years ago today!" I yell. "Let's go see what's wrong." We went into her room to find that she was asleep. "Do you wanna do something to cheer her up?" I ask. "Sure we can arrange something with the others." Yukio and I leave to let her sleep.

A/n- Thank you so much for reading and sorry the last chapter was so short. I didn't know what to do after that. I actually play volleyball in school because ye. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Morgan Out!
Total Words- 1331!

Future Morgan: I changed this chapter quite a lot! it was mostly dialogue but it was changed a pretty good amount

Edited on- June 19, 2021 @ 8:27 pm

New word total- 1406

I Didn't Choose To Be This Way! (Rin Okumura X Reader) {Book 1} [#Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now