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I saw Logan get out of his car and run up the driveway when he came to a sudden stop. He put his nose in the air and sniffed. Then he bolted even faster toward the door.

I heard him call, "Lily?! Lily!"

"Logan! I'm up here!"

"Where is he? Is he gone? Are you alright?"

I was confused. I said, "Ya I'm fine. Who are you talking about?"

"I could smell him in the driveway. His scent is everywhere. Can you smell that?"

I thought about the strange familiar smell. "Yes. Logan who is it? What's happening?"

"Okay you need to tell me everything that's happened today okay?"

"Okay." So I told him everything from when I got home to the message I got. "Then I called you. Logan, I didn't know what else to do."

"It's alright. You did the exact right thing."

"Logan who is this guy? What does he want with Dad and Scarlet?"

"He doesn't want them. He wants you."


"Because he knows you're the only person I have left that I truly care about."

"What does he want with you?"

He took a deep breath as if contemplating whether he should tell me something or not. "Okay listen. You know how in movies if the one character doesn't let another character explain something?"

"Ya, but Logan -"

"Just let me explain. And you have to listen to it all okay?"


"A long time ago I met this guy named Victor. He's like us. He can make his nails grow really long and sharp and has razor sharp teeth. They call what you and I are mutants and Lily there are millions of us out there. Anyway, Victor, he hates humans. He thinks we're the next step in evolution and we are but he thinks all humans should be destroyed. He put together a very powerful group of mutants and they set out on his mission. I was part of Victor's group. He told us he was finding all the humans who wanted to destroy mutants and the world. He was a very persuasive man Lily, you have to understand that. I'm not proud of anything I ever did for him. When I found out what Victor's plan really was, I left and he's wanted me dead ever since. Without me his group fell apart and everyone else left too. I haven't seen him in years. I went into hiding; tried to disappear. Then I met someone: Caroline. We were together for a long time. We spent a lot of time with her sister, her husband, and their baby daughter. We all grew really close. When both Caroline and her sister got pregnant at the same time we were all the happiest we'd ever been. I had forgotten all about Victor. Then about a month before the babies were supposed to be born, I got a letter. It said I had to protect what I had and keep it close. It was signed by Victor. All at once everything I had been hiding and running from came right back to me. When the day came for the babies to be born Caroline's sister made it through but the baby didn't. When Caroline gave birth, the baby survived but Caroline died. The baby was all I had left. I swore I would protect it with my life. Then I remembered the letter I got from Victor. I had a huge favor to ask Caroline's sister. I needed them to take care of the baby for me. To raise it as their own. I told them I couldn't be a father alone but I just wanted the baby to be safe from Victor. Victor would've expected me to send the baby far away to be safe, so instead I kept it close. We payed the hospital a lot of money to change the records to say that both Caroline and her baby died and my child was really her sister's child." He paused and took another deep breath, "Lily, Caroline's sister was your mom, Nellie; she was your mom. The baby I was talking about? That was you."

I just sat there. I didn't know what else to do. Then I spoke. "So Da- Tyler isn't my dad?"

He replied, "No, I'm your dad Lily."

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