Chapter 1

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ummm... maybe not the nicest one to kick things off but I promise it'll get better

(you'll probably be hearing that a lot soz)


Another morning, another strange bed.

My head was pounding from all the alcohol I had last night. I looked over to my right to see the man I had slept with last night. He was old and gross, not to mention hairy as a bear. I would have loved to pass on him but he offered me £500 for a night so OBVIOUSLY I couldn't have said no. He really was a desperate fucker.

I slowly got up from the bed and collected my clothes before exiting the hotel room. I smelt disgusting but I had to wait till I got back home to shower as I didn't want to wake up the man who was snoring louder than a group of bears. Ugh I could not deal with him for any longer. I never did with my customers though. I always left the first second I got cause I couldn't have given two shits about them. Call me heartless and see if I care.

I was used to all the looks of disgust I got after leaving a "gig". It was the walk of shame that never ended, most of the times I enjoyed walking through rich neighbourhoods just to cause shit, looking like the tramp I was.

Stopping by at a cafe to get myself a coffee with the change I had stolen from the man's counter before leaving. He was loaded so couple pounds weren't going to drive him into a bankrupt. As I was waiting for my drink I could feel a pair of tense eyes on me. I wasn't sure should I turn around to see who was so intensively staring at me or just let the poor bastard live on.

Fairly enough if you knew me, I wasn't one for giving in. So after I had gotten my drink I turned around and walked towards the man sitting in a corner table still looking straight at me. A smirk spread on my face as I got closer.

"So what you want mate? Fight or fuck? It's £50 for either. Cash only." I said bluntly sitting down opposite of him. The man stared at me in horror. I lifted my eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"I... I... Um neither t-thank yo-u." He stuttered in an American accent. Mhh.

"Well what other reason you could possibly have to stare at me for the past 5 minutes then? Huh? It's usually either two things. They want to beat my ass or fuck it, there's no other. So how is it?" I explained in annoyed tone.

"I, um I didn't mean it in either of those ways. Sorry I don't swing that way nor am I against any of it. It was just a mistake. Sorry again. Didn't mean to offend you." The American explained.

I rolled my eyes, "Pfft, you couldn't offend me even if you tried. I have heard and experienced it all." I got up and dug the pocket of my leather jacket for a piece of paper and a pen.

"But just in case you ever change your mind on either one." Handing over the paper with a smirk on my face.

Once I got back home I hopped into a hot shower to get all this nasty man smell off of me. Don't get me wrong I loved the smell, just not this guy's. I smelled like a meat factory.

"Max? Are you home?" I heard one of my flatmates shout. I grunted and wrapped a towel around my waist walking out to the hall way.

"What do you want now Jeremy?" I questioned, folding my arms on my bare and wet chest. Alec was eyeing up and down my body. "Oi quit eye-raping me and tell me."

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