Chapter 2

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A/N: decided to update a lil more as prologue and one single chapter don't tell too much.... I'm so tempted to update the whole thing all together but whats's the fun in that .-.

anyway enjoy where it left off last time,

and I promise it gets better the further you get :)


I yelped from pain as I tried moving from the bed. Not knowing what time of day it was. I wasn't even sure was it still even the same day; all I knew is I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could, not even caring whether I got paid or no.

My hands were untied, the bastard probably had done it while I was passed out. Stumbling out of the bed, I dressed myself in a rush and headed for the door. I felt every part of my body ache from pain as I moved.

It was still dark outside which was good so no one would see me like this. I sat down at an alleyway, trying to collect myself. I tried checking the time of the day off my phone but the battery had died so it was no use.

After a minute or so I got up and stared walking home, or more like limping. The pain in my body just got worse and worse. I was in a serious need of help from anything just to get rid of this ache. I walked through the near park in the hopes of finding one of my dealers.

After a while I spotted a tall man in a grey jumper and a jacket standing on the other side. I walked over to him knowing he was one of them.

He looked at me awhile and laughed, "Did someone have a rough night? Or did your punk ass finally get beaten up?"

I stared at him unamused by his comment. His smile faded, "No I mean seriously what the hell happened. Your neck is all bruised and so is your face. Damn you took a good pounding." I still didn't reply.

"Alright, alright. Not in a chatty mood then. What could I get you my friend?" He continued.

"Anything strong should do it." I simply replied. He nodded and handed over me the small pack of pills. I handed him the money and walked away.

I downed couple of the pills dry as I didn't have anything to flush them down with but it didn't stop me.

The sun was starting to rise as I finally made it back home. Guess it was still so early for anyone to be up cause I saw no one in the hallways. Opening the door to our flat as quiet as possible, trying not to wake anyone up. I only made my way up the stairs to the kitchen until I was met with George. He stared at me in horror. I walked passed him to the fridge to get anything to drink. I grabbed a beer and downing half of it.

"What the hell happened to you Max? You look awful. We have been worried, you have been gone since Thursday night. And now it's Saturday already." George panicked. I looked at him in confusion. What did he mean it was already Saturday?

"It wasn't the client I told you to cover for me, was it? Oh my god Max I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for thi-" Before George could finish I cut in. "No George. It wasn't him. I went out with friends after and shit went down, nothing for you to lose your sleep over." I told him not wanting him to blame himself for what happened to me.

"Are you sure? I mean-" George started again but I cut him off once again.

"Yes George, chill." I said before disappearing upstairs and into my room.

Turning my music on once again and just laying on my dirty bedsheets like the dirty whore I was. Just as I closed my eyes I heard my door slam open, "You motherfucker! Haven't I told you about your music a million times now, you absolute wanker- " Jeremy paused, "the fuck what happened to you?!" he continued to shout, but this time with a slightly higher pitch.

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing."

"Bullshit. Now tell me, or I'm telling Dom." He threatened. I rasped in annoyance, the last thing I wanted was to Dom finding out about this; it would have been another shit storm I would rather not witness.

Jeremy sat on my bed looking down at me, "Well...?"

"It was the piece of shit George asked me to cover for him. Which I'm glad I did, if he would have done this to George the poor bastard would have died." I explained in monotone.

"Fucking hell. What did he do then?" Jeremy questioned.

"Depends how much details you want. Short version; he tied me up, hit me, strangled me and pretty much just straight up raped me. I still have no clue what he did after I blacked out, apparently my entire memory of yesterday is gone. And the long version on the other hand-"

"Yeah okay no, that was plenty enough details. But Max you can't let that dipshit do this to you, you have to tell someone. At least tell Dom, he'll send his goons after this douche." Jeremy demanded. I lifted myself to sit up, "No Jer, I don't need him involved in this. I got this shit covered. And don't tell George about what I told you, he'd never forgive himself and I don't have the patience to listen about it." I stated.

"Fine, okay. But only this time, if this happens again I'm going straight to Dom. And please get yourself checked out just in case. I don't want you dying of some STI."

"Yeah okay, whatever." I sighed and fell back onto my bed. "Now please leave and don't bother for the rest of the weekend."

I didn't bother leaving my room for the entire weekend, not even for my gigs. I hadn't eaten either, except for a bag of crisps and loads of weed with some warm beer and Pepsi. Clearly the greatest diet in the world.

I had ignored all the calls from Dom, he was probably wondering where the fuck was I. Usually I was always the one up for any kind of gig, never turning one down, except now.

I just wanted to forget all that happened and get rid of the pain that I still felt all over.

Walking around my room just in my boxers had me stopped by my mirror. I was covered in bruises that just get getting darker and scratches that just kept getting redder. My face wasn't any better. Not only did I look like absolute garbage as usual, I now also had a busted lip and bruises all around my eye.

I knew I had to go to the doctor at some point to get tested for STI's but I didn't want to. Maybe tomorrow, I thought.

I hadn't experienced pain or beating like this since my childhood.


"Oh Maxi-boy... come give mommy a cuddle, will you?" I heard my mum shout from downstairs. I dug myself deeper under the covers as the steps got closer.

"Why are you hiding? Come here." She said in a soft tone, that I knew wasn't going to last.



"Listen you piece of shit, are you going to not obey your own mother? Your own flesh and blood? What kind of ungrateful brat would do such thing?! Jesus you are an useless rat. Fine, have fun rotting here. And no food for such bastards like you!" She shouted from the top of her lungs. I felt the hot tears sting as they fell down on my cheeks. No six years old should have to deal with this.

"Jim, he's being a brat once again. How about you show him how to act and respect his parents?" I heard my mum say to my dad outside of my door.

I was taken over the terror as I heard the door open again and my father's steps got to me.

My bed cover flew across the room and me after it. I flew on the floor, crying my heart out, begging him to stop. But it was no use. He'd come and grab my arm nearly breaking it and continuing to beat me till I learned.

I felt the same hot tears fall down on my cheek again. I couldn't even remember the most awful things my parents did to me as I blocked them completely out of my memory. It was only for the better.

No one knew about my past fully, not even the social workers or Dom, both of them just bits and pieces but not the worst pieces.

I grabbed a bottle of Jack and chucked it before crawling back under the covers.

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