Chapter 13

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I had been sitting in the interrogation room for what seemed like eternity. I was feeling a storm of emotions, mostly anxiety and confusion what the hell was going on. Who was this Scott Fall and how did I have anything to do with this?

The dull grey walls felt like they kept moving closer by every hour I had to spend in this small room chained to a god damn chair.

I heard the door behind me finally open and footsteps coming closer to where I was sat at.

"Max Young... I thought I told you to stay out of trouble but here you are yet again." It was the same officer from last time, Sanders or something. "Anyway this is detective Holm." He continued.

"So did you know a man called Scott Fall?" The detective asked with a tough look on his face. I leaned back on the chair folding my arms across my chest, "No, never heard of that name."

"How about Harry Ford? Or Sam Matthews?" He asked again. Matthews? Why did that sound so familiar?

Then it hit me, it was the man, the piece of shit client who... ah- I'm so screwed.

"So how is it? Based on the appearance of your face I'd say one of these names ring a bell. Either way, it's all the same man or he was found dead in a hotel room with your DNA all over him so it's not looking that good for you kid."

"No I don't know him, never heard of the guy." I lied keeping a straight face even inside I could feel the building rage towards the dipshit. Just thinking about the things he did to me... I felt disgusted even at the thought of him.

"Also there's this." Detective Holm said placing two photos of the man lying dead and cold on the hotel room floor with dried out blood all over. I turned my head away from looking at the photos feeling like I was going to be sick any moment.

"We found your hairs amongst the other evidence, so start explaining before things get really hard for you."

"I want a layer." I spat out. The detective nodded and left the room leaving me and the other officer alone.

"Just tell the truth and you might avoid the worst." Sanders said before disappearing out of the door. I felt the hot tears stinging my eyes as they begun to fall down my cheeks.

Hours later we continued the interrogation with a layer Dom had set up for me, Thomas Phillips was one of Dom's closest and trusted friends who had helped him out of loads of trouble. I was hoping he'd be able to do the same for me.

"We know that you and Scott were in some contact as the evidence shows but now tell what happened." I took a deep breath and looked over at Thomas who was nodding at me convincingly. We agreed on me telling the truth except leaving the part where he was paying to have sex with me because I didn't want Dom or anyone getting into more trouble cause of how stupid I am.

I stared at my hands on the table, fiddling around with my fingers nervously. I didn't know where to even begun, I felt overwhelmingly anxious and embarrassed sharing it cause I know it made me look weak but I didn't want to go to prison either.

"I- um I met the guy in a bar and we started talking which then led to me going with him to his place or at least I think it was." I started, holding back the tears as I thought about continuing the story, "Then he- uhh he t-tied me up and forced-d himself onto me."

The entire room was silent as I kept fighting back the tears. I felt Thomas' hand move to knee for support. He knew how hard this was especially for me.

"Then what happened after that?" The detective asked.

I took a deep breath and continued, "He started strangling me, I don't know was it on purpose or not but I ended up blacking out cause I couldn't breathe. Days later I woke up finally with my body bruised all over and in pain, so I ran away hoping to never see him again."

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