Chapter 22

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Last chapter!!! Honestly thank you so so so much if you've managed to get this far. Yes this is only my second full story but thank you.



The day was here. The day everything I had been used to for the past forever, was going to change. I wasn't at all ready for what the future had for me, mostly because I never believed there was a future for me. Yes that probably sounded sad as hell but I don't know, it's just the way I've always been. I always put on this tough act and pushed away the people near me. Maybe it was cause I wanted to build this shield over to protect myself from getting more hurt that I already had.

Even as a kid I never had friends or if I did, they'd run away fast as they could just so they didn't have to deal with the bipolar mess I am, let alone with my family. My first real friends came along with Dom after he took me in; obviously I became unseparated from Jeremy and got really close to George as time went on. They didn't judge me for my past or for the way I was and acted, because let's be real... we all have our own shit that we deal with and are ashamed of, but having friends that one can share that all with is unreplaceable. And I'm so sad that's all going away now.

Yes I have Andy now but it's not the same, even nearly. He doesn't know every single detail of my past yet and still deep down I'm scared that when he will, he might pack up his shit and leave. It also scared me that we had known each other for only months now and here we were; flying off together across the bond.

If I was to count all the times I had cried this morning whilst packing with Jeremy and George, I'd reach more than my fingers could count. I wasn't the only one who shed tears, Jer and George were right there with me. It truly felt weird tearing all of my things down and putting them in suitcases. Obviously I couldn't take that all with me to America so the rest went to Andy's house to wait for our return, whenever that was. I even stopped by Mrs. Hatterfields' flat to say my goodbyes. She was sad to see me go just as we had found a connection through the past but she wished me all the best of luck in life and promised that we were still going to meet again someday. I really hoped so.

Now with Andy's hand locked in mine and all of my friends from last night right behind me, walking towards the entry of Heathrow Airport I nearly felt like maybe, just maybe everything could turn good despite the shitty situation. Or maybe that was what I was just trying to tell myself to calm the nerves. Even Thomas had stopped by this morning at our flat to say his goodbyes. Still no sight of Dom though. I had tried texting and calling but nothing was going through. I really hope he'd show up today.

"I really can't believe my best friend is leaving me like this, I'm going to miss you so much Maxi. I love you so so sooo much, please never forget it." Jeremy cried, throwing himself into my arms. To be quite frank, I didn't want that hug to end. "Also just call me if Mr. Doctor-guy over here fucks up even the slightest, I'll hop on that plane to San Diego in a heartbeat to beat his ass." Jeremy whispered in my ear, making me chuckle lightly.

"I don't know how the hell hole of a rehab will allow phones, but I promise I'll find my way to keep contact. Love you Jer and thank you." I smiled with now tears fogging up my view. "Just be the good kid I know you can be and it will all be alright, I promise."

After my hug with Jeremy ended, I moved onto George – opening my arms and pulling his small body closer to mine. "Going to miss you Georgy-boy, who will I bully now 24/7?" I chuckled light.

"I'm sure you will find someone soon, don't worry though I'll miss you too. You were like the big brother I never had and I'm happy I got to know you." George spoke quietly in my ear. I smiled sadly to myself, "Love ya lil kiddo. And good luck with your girl, I'll be waiting for the wedding invite."

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