Chapter 10

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"You have acted strangely ever since your date with doctor hotty, you are no fun." Jeremy moaned. We were sat by the telly watching dumb cliché movies with their even dumber happy endings, that weren't real.

I shot him with annoyed look, "I'm not fun, meaning I'm not having sex with you?"

"I mean that is one of the top things on the 'Max is no fun' list... but in all honesty, tell me what's wrong? You know you can trust me. Even if you killed someone again, it's fine." My eyes widened in shock, "You promised not to talk about that again!" I gasped, feeling sick at the memory of that night.

"Sorry dude, too soon?" Jeremy shrugged his shoulder. "You are an idiot you know that." I hummed, throwing a pillow at him.

"Fair enough my friend."

I had been lacking on my job again for the past few days and Dom had been all over my ass (not literally though sadly) so I had to go hang around Soho in the hopes of cooling him off and getting myself money as I was short on it.

Pulling on my boots and leather jacket, checking that I had a full pack of cigarettes and couple of joints just in case with me before I headed out.

It was a chilly night in London, my leather jacket with a jumper didn't even feel like enough. Hopefully I'd get lucky tonight and not roam around Soho for nothing. It was a Saturday though so I had a higher change for making some money.

Frankly I was wrong. Hours had gone by and I hadn't had any luck. The only people to even notice me were these two Asian tourist asking for directions but other than that this night was a completely fail. I was freezing my ass off so I decided to pop down at one of the pubs to get something to warm me up. Booze preferably.

Waiting for my drink I felt a tap on my shoulder, obviously hoping it was some rich despaired guy but once again I was wrong. It was no one other than Andy Hale. I'm starting to think I'm being stalked by him.

"Hey you, want to join us so you don't have to stand here alone?" Andy offered but before giving me the time to decline his offer, I was already being dragged with him.

I saw his fiancée, Natasha sitting and talking with some fairly young boy whose eyes instantly drifted to me, looking up and down on my body. The boys hair was dark and curly, his black framed classes made his green eyes glow.

"Max, you probably remember Natasha, and this is her brother Nathan." Andy said introducing us.

I might have not known Natasha for very long but I could sense that she disliked me, from the moment we first met. Sure it wasn't the best first time meeting as I was centimetres away from his man wearing his clothes and being in the same bed, so one might get the wrong idea but whatever. I didn't want to be her friend anyway. But her brother was a completely different story.

The conversation went around the table for long, in points it got so boring I kept drifting away, plus all the alcohol had started to affect me.

First I felt a leg bump into mine under the table but I thought nothing out of it, not until I felt a hand crawling up my tight closer and closer to my crotch. I looked to my right seeing Natasha's brother Nathan smirking at me slightly just so the two wouldn't notice. Soon I felt his hand grab a hold of my groin and starting to rub it very sensually.

At this point keeping my cool was nearly impossible cause of Nathan and what he was doing. I excused myself to the toilet so I could get rid of my little problem.

Opening a door to the cubicle, a familiar hand touched my back. And that hand belonged to Nathan.

"I thought you could use a helping hand." He smirked. Nathan pushed me inside and closed the door behind himself.

"Aren't you like 12 or something?!" I questioned in shock of what the hell was going on. "No, I'm 16 so it's all perfectly okay." Nathan said before he got onto his knees and undid my belt. Oh my god this was not happening, jesus fucking christ.

When we both finally got back to the table after the whole toilet fiasco, Andy looked up to us, "Thought our company was so boring that you both ditched." He joked, I can tell you that this shit could have not gotten any more awkward.

"Where did you two even disappear? You were gone for at least 20 minutes." Natasha asked, staring at us in that same strange way. "Um there was a line and uhh- I showed Max here a new game I got on my phone." Nathan rambled. A game? That was the lamest excuse of all time, god he really was still a kid.

"Think I'm going now, thanks for the night I guess?" I said, adding to the awkward atmosphere. "Hey Max, can I have a quick word?" Andy asked, standing up from the table and leading me outside of the pub away from everyone's eyes.

"You two didn't do anything... you know... drug relative or anything else?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Why would I do something like that with a damn kid? God you're so fucking ridiculous. I thought doctors were supposed to have at least few more brain cells than what you got." I ranted feeling way over the top annoyed with him. "Why do I even bother with you... stupid idiot." I muttered under my breath, hoping Andy wouldn't hear a thing. But for my luck, he did.

"You know, we might be similar in a way but at least I'm not a complete dick like you!" Andy shouted. "You really should be ashamed of yourself. A long look in the mirror wouldn't hurt, you know. Or getting a real job, because whoring your ass to every man in this city isn't going to end anywhere else other than you locked up in prison. Your parents must be so god damn proud of yo-" Before Andy could finish his sentence, my fist unwillingly collided with his face making him stumble back a little. I stared at him in rage and horror as the blood started running from the side of his mouth.

"What the hell?!" Andy snapped in shock, trying to cope with what I had just done. Andy then rushed over me pushing me against a brick wall nearly making me hit my head on it, holding me in place with his arm on my chest. Preparing myself for his fist to collide with my face I closed my eyes and waited.

I waited for a blow that never happened.

Instead I tasted his blood in my mouth as his lips smashed into mine, kissing me.

For a slit second I felt myself kissing him back until I realised how wrong this was. Not only was he already taken by someone, but he was engaged and I just let his fiancée's little brother give me a blowjob in a public toilet of a pub. Not to forget the fact of him being 'straight'. I don't think things could have gone any worse.

With all of my powers left I pushed Andy away, as we both stared at each other in utter confusion and horror.

"I- I'm- uh- fuck!" Andy stuttered holding a hand over his lips. My first response was to run again, run away as fast as possible. I could hear Andy's faint voice shouting my name, but I didn't stop. Not even the feeling of tightness around my heart as I ran for my life stopped me. I just couldn't.

Not realising I still had Andy's blood on my lips when I was faced with shocked Jeremy once I got home. He tried saying something to me but I wiped the blood on my sleeve and crashed my lips into Jeremy's.

Knowing how fucked up tonight already was, I didn't care any longer. I just wanted to get rid of my feelings of frustration and I knew Jeremy was the one for that.

Kissing Jeremy reminded me so much of the kiss I shared with Andy, even how much I tried pushing the thoughts away but it was impossible. I kissed Jeremy deeper and rougher, pulling him into his room after me.

Not even knowing when I closed my eyes and let the images of Andy under me, kissing me, touching me flow in to mind, completely forgetting that it was actually just Jeremy who was doing all of that.

"Please just fuck me already..." I moanedripping off my shirt and tossing it aside.     

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