Chapter 3

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Monday morning came sooner than I hoped. I still did what I had to do; out of bed, through shower and out of the door. I was on my way to the doctors to get checked up like I sort of promised Jeremy and myself. I really hoped the bastard hadn't given me anything other than all these cuts and bruises.

The woman in her late 50's at the doctor's office looked at me in horror as I asked for an appointment. I probably looked like a full time drug dealer, which I wasn't very far off. I sat in the far corner away from everyone else waiting for their turn as I didn't feel like dealing with their disgusted and pitiful looks.

I waited around 30 minutes until my name was called.

"Mr. Young?" A young female nurse called from across the room. I got up and made my over to her. She was short, making me stand out even more.

"This way please." She said politely smiling. I took a quick look at her name badge; it said 'Natalie' on it. What a boring name, I chuckled under my breathe.

She opened a door to a room for me and told me to wait for the doctor to arrive there. She also told me to not touch anything, probably thinking I was going to steal things. Could I blame her though? A guy in full on black outfit with his hood still on waltzes in here looking like a drug deal gone wrong. No, I obviously couldn't.

I was nearly ready to leave after 5 minutes of waiting until I heard the door behind me creek as it opened.

"Mr. Young? I'm Andy Hale and I'll be your doctor for today." A familiar American accent said, the same as in the coffee shop last week. I turned my head to face him and I could tell he recognised me too and the state I was in.

"I... uh what seems to be the issue then?" Andy Hale asked, like it wasn't obvious enough.

"I want STI tests." I stated.

"Ah alright, when was the last time you had sex?" He question.

"Friday, I think." I answered honestly, still not knowing what had happened on Friday.

"Okay, did you use protection?"

"Most likely not."

Andy once again nodded unsurely and before asking another question, "How many sexual partners have you had before this?"

"Um a lot." I felt dirty saying that. I wasn't usually the one to hide these things but somehow I felt almost shy in front of him.

"Can you specify?"

"Too many to count." Cause I'm a hoe.

"Mhh. Which tests would you want?" He asked once again.

"All." He looked at me awhile before saying a thing.

"Alright, we'll get urine and a blood test, then a physical exam as well." Andy said while writing down something.

A physical? As in getting naked in front of him? I felt mortally terrified of the thought. Not that I was usually terrified of getting nude in front of people, even strangers. Except him. Especially with all the bruises and scratches all over me. This wasn't ending well.

He handed me a cup and directed me to the nearest toilet. After doing my business and walked back to the room and put it down of the table. Next was blood.

If there was something I hate it, it was this. It hurt so bad and it wasn't just overall nice at all.

But then came the worst one of all three, the physical.

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