Chapter 20

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I couldn't describe to you how nice it felt to wake up in my own bed the next morning cuddled up against Andy's body, just us two and no one else.

It must have been past noon already as the sunlight was hitting my sight fully waking me from my slumber.

Without unlocking Andy's arms from around me I managed to roll around to face him. I gave Andy a light peck on his lips, waking him up as well.

"Good morning to you too..." He mumbled, clearly still half asleep. I could understand his exhaustion as yesterday was pretty hectic, no lie. After Andy and I had made our dramatic escape and caught our breath, we talked everything and I mean eeeverything through. It was a tough talk and I told Andy about my drug mishap that nearly killed me, he was not too pleased with me. Can't blame him, can I?

He also told me how Natasha had blackmailed him and his parents since her family's company has ties back to Andy's parents, so obviously he had no choice but to cut me out. But the part that made my heart flutter was when Andy told me how much it had broken his heart and how much he tried fighting against the bitch's will.

But we got over it and all the other drama too, just making us bond together even tighter. He even promised to never leave my side again, I could definitely get used to that idea.

"What are you thinking about?" Andy questioned with that raspy morning tone. I smiled shyly, "Just us and everything that has happened... I still can't believe I'm here with you right now, I thought I had lost you for good to that snake."

"Hey let's not talk about that anymore. All that matters is that I got you and you got me." He said snuggling closer to me.

Just as I thought nothing could ruin this beautiful moment of ours, one dumbass named Jeremy barges through my door startling me to sit up in shock.

"Dom's here, hurry!" He shouted, without even paying attention to whether I even heard him or not. But why was Dom here?

Andy followed me closely behind as I rushed downstairs to be met with Dom, Jeremy, George and some unfamiliar girl with ginger curls who sat beside him.

"Good for you to finally join us and Andy, congratulations on the unsuccessful wedding. I thought I was going to bore to death before our little Max showed up, truly better than the dramas on telly." Dom smirked at us. Andy clearly didn't know how to respond, but neither did I. Has he always been this strange? No wait, never mind – I don't want to know.

"Why were you at that wedding anyway?" Jer questioned. Dom just hummed and shrug it off as 'business matter'... whatever that might mean...

"Either way, that's not the reason why I'm here. Also George here had something to say as well, so we might as well start with that." He continued motioning towards George and the girl. I could tell George was nervous about whatever was the matter. With all these years living together I have grown to know him fairly well and for him to be this much of nervous wreck it had to be something serious.

He toyed with his fingers, looking down at them – probably trying to build up the courage to speak. "I- um, I really-y hope you guys won't be mad-d-d at me..." George mumbled quietly.

"Why would we ever be mad at our lil teddy bear?" Jeremy chuckled. George breathed in deep before continuing, "I uhhh- I'm quitting the business and moving-g o-out. I'm s-sorry." Behind his mob of hair I could see small tears falling down his cheeks and hitting the sleeves of his green sweater.

"Wait, what? Why?" Jer questioned in shock.

Deep down I knew this was going to happen eventually as he and his new girlfriend, who I now assume is the one sitting next to him, rubbing his back in a comforting way were doing well, or at least that what I had heard awhile back from George.

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