Chapter 6

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Its my birthday so because of that I'm gonna publish the rest of it thx

also the amount of wine I have had might have a part in this decision.

enjoy xxx


Waking up next to Jeremy all cuddled up felt like the good old times when it was just him and I in this flat, way before George had moved in.

That was back when I had gotten hired by Dom and he brought me here to live. It was also the day I met Jeremy for the first time. It look awhile for us to hit it off, mostly because of my asshole self. It took some turns and twists but in the end we were just meant for each other. Also we both were fairly new in this business and only knew Dom, so we just naturally looked after each other.

Sure he was still the biggest pervert of all but it didn't erase the fact that he was also the best cuddler. I was never going to admit that I liked this, or that I kind of missed what we had years ago. It wasn't sex; I had only slept with him once, maybe I wasn't too sure. It was just a whole bunch of cuddling and other disgustingly cute stuff. We still cuddled from time to time but less these days as we were both busy because of Dom and also it was partially my fault, as my mood was swinging like crazy these days due to all the stress and anxiety.

Having his toned arms around me and feeling his warm breath in my neck felt so comforting in a way. I didn't want him to wake up and this all to be over. I nuzzled my body closer to Jer's just for the moment being. I was somehow surprised by the lack of morning wood I wasn't feeling, didn't complain though.

I shifted my position to lie on my other side so that I was facing Jeremy who was still fast asleep. I reached to wipe away the hair that had fallen on his face. My touch caused him to open his eyes.

"Hey you." He whispered smiling.

"Hi." I said briefly.

"Feeling any better?"

"Sort of yes." It wasn't completely a lie. Sleeping next to him had calmed me and took my mind off all the shit that went down last night. Jeremy worked the same way for me as the drugs I took, they calmed me. Wish I could have him clued to me when I felt anxious, which was practically 24/7 these days.

"I just don't feel like getting up today at all." I sighed frowning playfully.

"Then let's not, we can stay here if you want." Jeremy suggested pulling me closer to him. I felt his warm breath close to my skin and soon head press into my neck. "I like this." He mumbled. I hummed in response.

"The only issue is that I'm starving..." I whined. Jeremy laughed at my child like whining, "I'll text George to get us all pizzas?" I nodded.

I looked down to my body seeing the bruises fading but they were still very visible and I didn't want George seeing them. "Um, can I have your shirt. I don't want George seeing all of this." I asked referring to my torso.

Jeremy nodded and sat up pulling off his navy blue t-shirt. I couldn't help but to watch him and his body. I also noticed he had gotten new ink on his back besides the old one that was his first tattoo. We had gotten our first ones at the same time. He got a three for his family, while I got a skull with roses on my forearm. Cliché much? Yes. But as a 16 year old kid I didn't really know any better, I just thought it would look edgy. It wasn't as bad as the matching tattoos we had though, aka smalls hearts each other's names. We had gotten them for some reason on Jeremy's 17th birthday, wasted off our asses of course.

"Are you checking me out by any chance?" Jeremy winked at me making me blush a little.

"Pfft, don't think too highly of yourself Jer, I've seen better." I laughed punching his shoulder softly. I didn't want to admit to 'checking him out' because I knew he'd just take the piss out of me for the rest of the day for it. 

"Oh okay Max..." He trailed off before jumping on top of me. A huge grin on his face, Jeremy kept getting closer to mine, until there was barely any space between us. My breath got noticeably heavier as I Jeremy's eyes drifted down to my lips. His body pressed against mine, admittedly felt quite nice to me. 

"Am I interrupting something here?" George's quiet voice broke the silence and Jeremy moved back to sitting next to me on my fairly small bed.

"No, we already banged. It was the greatest and loudest sex I have ever had, I'm surprised we didn't wake you up man." Jeremy said with the same grin on his face. "Ew, no." I stated shaking my head. I didn't want to go that far.

George  looked at us with disgust for a spare second but soon climbed in the end of my bed and put down the pizza boxes. "Actually I wasn't even home last night, so I wouldn't have even noticed." George said smiling widely. I lifted my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Where were you then?" I wondered.

"Um with the girl I saw last week." He said.

"Ooohh do I hear wedding bells going off anytime soon?" Jeremy joked.

"At least not yet, you idiot." George tossed a pillow at Jeremy, looking annoyed.

"Guys no fighting in my room when the pizza is present." I announced, opening one of the boxes. I loved nothing more than the smell of pizza.

We all ended up lying in my bed watching films all day, all the classics from Breakfast Club to Finding Nemo. George had eventually fallen asleep between our legs. He reminded me of a small innocent puppy, watching him sleep was kind of creepy but he looked cute.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand so I grabbed it but before I could read the text or even who it was from, Jeremy grabbed the phone from my hand and started reading the message out loud,

"Hey, I wanted to apologise for the way I acted the other day and for being nosy. It was completely unprofessional and out of line, so I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? As an apology of course. Let me know, Andy Hale x"

After he finished the message he turned his head towards me and looked at me questionably, "Who is this Andy Hale guy and should I be jealous?" Jeremy asked getting closer again.

"Oh shut it. He's just my douchy doctor, who is most likely the reason I got arrested the other night. I'm not saying yes." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"A doctor? Fuck me, you're obviously going. Is he hot?"

"No and no, just let it go Jer." Okay that was a lie. Andy Hale was hot, extremely hot. But I was mad at him for wanting to know too much, let alone for the fact that he clearly was just an asshole who I'd much rather have nothing to do with.

"No buts, you're going." Jeremy spoke before he started typing on my phone a reply to Andy. "Aaaand, sent!"

I looked over to him with a death stare, "I'm going to end you."

"Nah you don't want to wake George up." He grinned. I shook my head in disapproval; he was still going to suffer for doing this to me. Andy Hale was the last person I wanted to be stuck in a room with, and especially eating dinner.

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