Chapter 5

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The questioned me all night but I pretended to know nothing about any drugs, neither they found any drugs from me or from my system. Thankfully I hadn't had the chance to take any and the ones I had bought had dropped while I was banging the boy.

I was laying in my cell waiting for someone to get me out. I had called Jeremy if he could help, he said he'd come up with something.

The cell door opened and two officers stepped inside, "Hey punk, you're out of here. I hope to not see you again here." One of the officers said.

"As much as I loved the service you had here, I think I'll pass on it. Don't miss me too much." I smirked.

Walking out of the police station I saw the one person I wanted to see the least right now, Dom.

He was leaning against his brand new black Range Rover, hands crossed over his chest, he didn't look too pleased with me. I walked up to him not wanting to know what he had to say.

"Heard from Jeremy that you got arrested, so as the nicest boss in the world I thought I'd come and pick you up." He said smiling smugly. "Get in, we have got shit to catch on." Dom continued as he opened the car door for me to climb in.

"Okay first and foremost, you look like absolute shit. What the hell happened?"

"I got into a fight in a bar." I lied, still not wanting for Dom to know the full truth.

"Sure, whatever you say. Now secondly... What the fuck are you getting caught for the police for your drugs. I've told you to cut that shit out ever since I picked you ass off the streets. Why won't you do as I tell you?" Dom ranted.

He was honestly the brother I never had. Well the kind of brother who pimps you out to strange men, while still getting his fair share of your sweet ass, but still cares about you and looks out for you type, so not really.

"I know but I can't dump them. They are the only thing that helps me relax after all the work you put on me."

Dom sighed deeply, "Alright, fine. Keep your drugs but if you get caught for them or for anything in the future I'm personally murdering you."

"I won't get caught, I promise. Now if I can find the bastard who ratted me out, he's finished." I mumbled to myself. Dom laughed and finally started up the car. Neither one of us said a word during the car ride back, it was painfully quiet.

I started drifting off into my thoughts again... I knew Dom was right on this and I should just stop but I wish it was just that easy. And if only it'd be because of the addiction but at this point I don't know how I'd manage with all this anxiety.

"Here we are." Dom announced cutting off my thoughts. "Oh and I got you a job for tonight, I'll text you the deets later. Bye cutie." Fabulous.

It was good that Jeremy wasn't home when I got there because I could have split him in two. And not in a sexual way. I was furious with him for calling Dom. Don't get me wrong I liked Dom, but I was already in enough deep shit with him that I didn't need him knowing about me getting arrested. As if there wouldn't have been another way of dealing with this whole mess. 

I got changed and smoked a bit for relaxation as I got ready for another job. And then I was off again to another fancy hotel it seemed. I didn't think much of it as it all seemed pretty standard.

I knocked on the hotel room door and realised how wrong I was. I felt my stomach drop, as the familiar looking man opened the door for me. It was the same man who pretty much had abused me in every way possible.

"I missed you." He said sending chills all over my body. I tried running away but he grabbed my wrist so tightly that I could leave. Instead he dragged me deeper into the hotel room.

"You're not touching me again, you piece of shit." I shouted furiously.

"Oh hush baby, it's all gonna be great fun." He said, closing the gap between us and pinning me against a wall once again. His lips traveled up my neck closer to my lips. I tried struggling away but he had me locked in.

I had millions of thoughts running through my mind, different ways of escape. I managed to get my knee free and to take a straight aim at his groin. The man stumbled backwards onto the floor, laughing like the maniac he was .

"You're a feisty one, oh I love it so much." I felt disgusted at his words, just his being creeped me out. All the warning signs were going off. I wanted to get the hell out of here, and fast.

He made a move closer to me again but this time I shoved him back as hard as I could making him fall down again, but this time he didn't get up. I stared at the scene of him lying on the floor, seeming lifeless and blood leaking from the back of his head. The pool of blood kept getting on bigger and bigger and so did the panic inside of me.

I took a careful step towards the man. It seemed like he hit his head on the coffee table's sharp corner.

The realisation of what just had happened quickly hit me and it felt like the air was being sucked out of my lungs and the walls started caving in – so I did the thing I knew the best; run.

I ran out of the hotel as far as my legs let me until falling on the ground, trying to catch up my breath. In full on panic I dug out my phone and called Jeremy, who was the only one familiar with this situation, or at least someone I could count on.

"The fuck are you calling me in this hour, don't-"

"H-he's dead, I kill-ed him. I killed him Jer." I sobbed.

"Max? What are you on about? Where are you?" Jeremy asked, sounding more worried now rather than annoyed. I didn't reply to him, just continued to sob.

"That's it. I'm coming to get you, hold on tight. I'll track you down." And that was the last thing I heard before the line went dead.

I waited, curled up hugging my knees tightly. I was shivering from the cold Autumn weather, it hadn't been a good idea to wear such little clothing.

"Max? Max!" I heard Jeremy's voice call. I lifted my head to see him leaning over me.

"Jesus you're freezing. Come on; let me help you into the car."

"T-thank you." I stuttered with tears still in my eyes.

After arriving back home, Jeremy carried me into my room as my legs felt like giving in any seconds. He gently laid me on my bed, helping me to take off all my dirty clothes leaving me only in my underwear.

As Jeremy was leaving I grabbed his hand, "Please don't go, stay." I whispered. And so he did.

I watched Jeremy take off his jacket and shoes before climbing over me and wrapping his arms around me. I felt so safe and warm with him next to me.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He whispered into my ear softly.

"I- uh it was the man, the same one who gave me all theses bruises and cuts." I spoke. "I pushed him and he fell backwards, hitting his hea-d on a sharp edge-e... The blood... I- I- ." I continued feeling the tears begin to fall down my cheeks again. 

Jeremy shifted closer to me and placed a kiss on my back, "It's okay Max. You're safe now. You have nothing to worry about." Jeremy's warm arms wrapped me in and pulled me in again.

He was right. I was safe, that man was never going to hurt me again or no one in that matter.

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