Chapter 7

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I had few hours to be ready and on my way to meet Mr. Douchy out for a dinner. I wanted to bail out so badly but Jeremy wasn't letting me. He was practically forcing the clothes on me.

"Is it really necessary for you to sit there and watch me get dressed? It's creepy." I sighed out dramatically.

"Yes, you'd probably escape through your window otherwise. And plus I'm enjoying this view, very much." Jeremy smirked. Yes I clearly was that desperate that I'd jump out of the 5th floor just to avoid the painfully awkward 'date'.

"Well you could at least make yourself useful too by helping me pick out what to wear and not be such a pervert." I implied. Jeremy walked over to me and started going through my clothes.

"This, this and this." Jeremy said handing a pile of clothes, including the only button up shirt I owned with my one pair of black skinny jeans without holes and my trusted leather jacket.

"Are you sure that's not too much black?" I questioned, it was a stupid question as I only ever seemed to wear black.

"No, you look sexy in all black."

"Please stop trying to get into my pants." I moaned, in none sexual way... more like in the way that I wanted to attack Jeremy and knock the air out of him. It might have been the wrong move as Jeremy stepped closer to me, leaving no space between us once again.

"I don't know what you mean..." He whispered in between kisses he placed on my neck. I wanted to push him off but something within me just couldn't, so I let him continue. Feeling his hands travel down and slipping inside of my underwear. I let out a moan as Jeremy grabbed a hold of my bottom. My mind was screaming to stop but my limps didn't want to listen to reason.

At this moment my hands found themselves around Jeremy's neck, lifting his head and connecting our lips. The kiss got more intense and I could feel myself getting more lost into his touch. Jeremy pulled me with him and laid me on my bed, with him hovering above me.

Our kiss broke apart and Jeremy started tailing kisses down my body.

"Jer..." I spoke softly as he got closer to my crotch. It didn't stop him though, his hands pulled down my underwear reviling all, soon after Jeremy took me into his mouth fully. I had to admit it felt nice.

Breathing heavily mixed with moans I couldn't hold it in longer and came in Jeremy's mouth.

"Mhh, you taste so good." Jeremy stated smugly lifting himself back up to lay next to me.

"Ew, that's disgusting. Why did I let you do that?" I panted, feeling ashamed.

"Oh hush, you loved it clearly." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Also you have about 30 minutes to meet up with your next lover, shouldn't you hurry?"

I turned to look at the clock on my wall realising it was soon 7pm. "Jeremy, you twat!" I snapped getting up to find the clothes he had picked out.

"Don't blame me, I wasn't alone on this." He laughed.

"I hate you so much." I shouted, grabbing all of my things before disappearing from the door way. "And please go somewhere else to get rid of your lil problem other than my bed!"

Fog had filled up my entire brain and I couldn't even think clearly, making me nearly get on the wrong train instead of the one going to Leicester Square. I was still frustrated about having to go see Andy and now I was feeling off cause of what Jeremy had done. Or more like why did I let him.

Why was I so worked up by this? Jesus.

Arriving at the address Andy had texted me and realising how expensive restaurant he was actually talking about. I couldn't even afford a glass of water here.

Andy stood in front of the place tapping away on his phone. He was wearing a navy blue blazer and a white button up shirt, that wasn't buttoned all the way but showing a quite a lot of his chest.

Andy lifted his head, taking a note of the cigarette in my hand, "Did you know smoking is bad for you?"

"Hence the reason I smoke." I said taking a big draw of the cigarette and blowing the smoke straight up. "Also just to make things clear, I'm not here cause of my free will. A friend forced me. And two, I cannot afford to eat here so you better be paying Mr. Rich McRichy." I added.

Andy Hale laughed shaking his head.

The restaurant was packed with rich and powerful looking people, making me fit in even less. I felt everyone's eyes judging me without them even looking at me.

A waitress led us to our table which was in a corner away from everyone. Andy ordered a bottle of some red wine for us. I wasn't too excited about that as I was more of a straight up booze kind of guy.

"I see your bruises have faded quite well." Andy smiled. I didn't come here to chit-chat and talk about the weather, "Alright Andy Hale, cut the bs, I have a question for you; Why a man of your age, is taking an 18 year old kid whom, may I add, he doesn't even know out for a dinner. The real reason, thanks." I questioned him, changing the topic off of me as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Of my age? How old do you think I am?" He asked in disbelieve.

"I don't know, probably near 40." I guessed. He laughed again, "Hey I just turned 26, so I'm not even that old. And for the reason, like I said I wanted to apologise." Andy continued, but I wasn't buying his reason. I knew men and how they acted when they wanted something.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Andy wondered.

"Because I'm trying to figure out who Andy Hale is and why is he lying to me." I explained looking deeper into him. He raised his eyebrow with his smile fading lightly, "Why do you think I'm lying?"

"I know men like you, and for fuck sake you have had your finger up my asshole so really... why did you ask me here?" I wasn't proud to remind myself of physical I had, but I could tell I made him think with my straight forwardness.

"Alright, fine. I wanted to see you again, and no, not in the way that you're probably thinking. Just- I just found something interesting about you. But no, not interested in a sexual manner, I have a girlfriend." Andy explained, clearly feeling uncomfortable when he mentioned the whole possible fucking part.

"But why? I'm not remotely interesting. I'm just some fucked up kid with nothing." I spoke, realising after that I had said too much, but it was all true.

Andy shrugged, "Don't be so hard on yourself, you might have some issue but don't we all?"

"Oh so now I'm your charity case? No thank you." I snapped, feeling the rage inside of me growing. I clenched my fist trying to calm myself down, but I felt like the rage was overpowering me. I got up from the chair and left running out of the restaurant out on the street.

"Max, you've got this all wrong. Please stop." I heard Andy's voice call behind me as I was speeding away. I turned around to face him.

"I already said I don't need your pity! I don't need anyone's pity!" I shouted, the blood bumping faster through my veins and letting my nails dig into my palms.

"We are more alike than you think, Max." Andy spoke with an awfully calm voice. I looked at him with rage and confusion over my face, "You alike me? Not a chance." I mocked.

"Come with me." Andy said taking a hold of my wrist which sent tinkles all over my body, it felt oddly calming. He dragged me around the corner to... his car? Why? Is this the moment I get kidnapped and brutally murdered?

Andy let go of my wrist to dig out his keys. He walked over to the car opening the trunk of the car and motioning me to come closer, which I did. In the empty trunk was a black duffle bag. I felt even more confused as he opened it.

It was full of empty pill bottles. I looked over to Andy who was already looking me into my eyes.

"I'm an addict. Just like you." 

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