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Even this isn't an "official" chapter, it's my fave. hope you all have enjoyed and thank you. 

There might be a squeal in the works in the future but I haven't decided on who.... let me know if you have any wishes. 


drunk me out xxxxx


                      *one month and a half later*

"Group therapy starts in 15 minutes, you better hurry up so you won't be late again." A man with a thick American accent said from behind the closed door. That man was Charlie, one of the mentors at the rehab centre. He and another mentor named Lisa, were probably the only people who didn't annoy the hell out of me at this place.

I looked over to my snoring roommate; her name was Gemma. She rarely spoke, when she did though it was to make a snarly comment about someone or something. They usually never paired up people of the opposed sex but as me being gay and also Gemma being gay, they thought it'd be wiser to just make us room together. I didn't complain though as we gave each other the peace we needed.

I tossed a fairly clean looking shirt on and pulling my usual beanie over my messy hair before leaving out the door. I had been here exactly 44 days now and despite the hallways being a labyrinth they had gotten very familiar with me in that time. The staff wished me 'good morning' as I walked by them – I just nodded in response, given that is was only nine in the morning and I was practically still half asleep.

Breakfast was from seven to eight every morning, except on weekends it started half an hour later. This place clearly wasn't made to be a nice holiday resort to relax in. No, at times it reminded me of some sort of labour camp as they made us do chores nearly every day; from cleaning to gardening. It was supposed to be "good for the mind" but to me it was more like hell. The favourites had to be either the couple of hours of free time we got daily or the moment we were told to go to our rooms and shut the lights off. I liked those times cause I could drift off to 'me-land' all I wanted.

Also one of the highlights of my week was Saturday and the visiting period from 12pm to 3pm because it was the only time I could see Andy or call my friends back home. Those were definitely the two things that gave me strength to get through this place.

Andy was doing great and he had gotten a job at a local hospital near the rehab centre I was. He made sure he always had Saturdays off so he could come and see me. So far there had been only one Saturday when he couldn't make it and that was probably the most miserably out of all of them.

Jeremy and George were doing great as well. George and his girlfriend had gotten engaged recently but they promised to me not to get married until I was out of here. Jeremy on the other hand continued to live in Andy's old house but was now paying partial rent to Andy as he had found a job at a coffee shop near Chelsea. It was a rich neighbourhood so the job paid fairly well. He also had gotten into a college. It had been on his mind for a while now but couldn't because of the business. It was the thing Jeremy had been looking at so secretly that one night I went to his room.

And well Dom... No one still quite knew what happened to him. Even Thomas as a layer tried to find out where he currently was but all was denied on the bases of Dom refusing any sort of legal help and had confessed to all of his doings.

None of us understood what the hell was he doing, not even Thomas and they had been friends since kids. Clearly even against Dom's wishes Thomas had hired a private detective in an attempt to find Dom's location but still we had heard nothing from him, it was like earth had swallowed him.

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