Chapter 16

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I have never in my life felt so terrible waking up, not to mention I had no clue where I even was.

"Well don't you look like shit sunshine." Dom's voice chuckled across the room. "Here, drink some coffee and you might feel a bit less shitty"

Guessing by the fact that I was with Dom I was in his flat, not that I would know cause I had never visited him after he had upgraded his to a bigger place.

"I'm sorry- about last night you know." I said, quietly muttering. I felt bad that I had possibly fucked up Dom's businesses just because I'm a complete moron.

"It's all good kid, I should have known better to look after you. I'm glad that Andy guy made sure you were alright after your dramatic exit." He laughed sitting down on the couch I was laid on.

"Guess so."

"Oh and Andy told me to tell you that you need to go see him later today cause of something, I can't remember what he said exactly but just go. I'll leave you some clothes you can borrow."

Which I did, obviously after stood in a cold shower for ages wondering what the hell did he have that important that I had to go over to Andy's place and also just to feel less like death.

I waited impatiently behind Andy's front door, expecting him to come and open the door for me but instead I was faced with Natasha and her pink silk rope.

"Um... hello?" She questioned, clearly being as confused as I was.

"I- uh Andy told me to stop by." I muttered awkwardly, avoiding looking straight into Natasha's eyes.

"Babe who's at the door?" I heard Andy's raspy voice call from down the hall way. I felt my eyes nearly wall out of my head as I saw Andy walk over to us with only a towel wrapped around his waist and water still drippling down his muscly body.

"Oh Max, you're here earlier than I thought but do come on in." Andy smiled, nearly wrapping his arm around Natasha's small wait but quickly pulled away as he noticed my eyes watching him closely.

The level of uncomfortable was so high that you could have easily cut it with a knife as I sat by their kitchen island, just waiting for Natasha to leave. Every time Andy passed by me he mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me. Sure I understood the fact that they were an actual couple and they had all the rights in this world to do whatever they pleased and spend nights together but just imagining Andy and that frigid bitch near each other send chills all over my body, and not the good kind.

Finally hearing the front door open and close felt like a victory, I had no clue of how long I had sat here and watched the two be disgusting and 'in love' but I'm glad it was finally over.

"I'm sorry about that, if I would have known you were coming this early I would-"

"No it's fine." I lied cutting Andy off before he could even finish just because I really wasn't interested in hearing more about the subject. "Why did you even ask me over anyway?" I continued, dying to know his reasoning.

"Um well we can talk about that later but first, breakfast."

Who knew two people trying to make pancakes could make such a mess in such short time, like there was flour and batter even on the ceiling. Yet our pancakes ended up being perfect, mostly cause I had no contact with them after they were made into a batter.

I don't know what it was but somehow being around Andy reminded me of Jeremy, just more sensual and romance way. As with Jeremy it was always just bromance with the occasional mishaps.

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