things that irk me; MARAUDERS

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i've recently been noticing that for each of the generations, there are many things that annoy me greatly in fanfiction.

so get ready for a mini "things that irk me" series, this time about the marauders.

when they don't include peter (and sometimes remus)
this is just SO annoying to even bloody think about. like ??????

PETER WAS A MARAUDER, yes he turned out to be a traitor but teenage pete was just as much as a marauder as the other three. the others would literally die for his, as said by sirius, and excluding him from their group is like writing ron as just a confused fool who loves food.

REMUS WAS ALSO A MARAUDER. just because he was a prefect doesn't mean that he didn't pull pranks with the others. like for fucks sake, he literally said that dumbledore probably made him prefect in hopes that he will tone down his friends. (note how it says 'friends' and not 'sirius and james')

so in fanfiction, when authors put in notices like "oh but i won't be writing peter lol, also remus is a goody goody prefect who won't be around much" i get pissed.


when lily is a stuck up bitch
yeah i know, ridiculous.

lily fucking evans was an angel and i will protect her till the day i die. come on she was friends with snivillus, that itself shows some patience and tolerance.

even if you're making a jamesXoc story, it doesn't give you the right to make lily a jealous hoe who suddenly wants james' attention.

he had to earn her love. and not through continuously bugging her but shower her how he's matured. now if he's suddenly interested in your OC, it won't suddenly change lily's mind about him since he still hasn't showed her how much he changed.

when the OC is randomly an animagus.
by 'randomly' i do mean 'randomly'

now i have nothing against 5th marauder stories, honestly they're kind of my guilty pleasure to read. and if you're OC is a marauder then it's completely understandable for her/him to be an animagus.

but if your OC isn't a marauder and just randomly turns out to be an animagus for the sake of bumping into them in the forbidden forest, it annoys the hijibies out of me.

what im trying to say here is; don't make your OC have some sort of 'superpower' unless it's specifically explained/ needed for the plot.

p l e a s e

when the marauders are failing school/ are incredibly dumb
okay so;

these fucking genius teenagers; found out a way to help their WEREWOLF friend, became ILLEGAL ANIMAGI, became AURORS after graduation, made the bloody MARAUDERS MAP which is just mindblowing and there's probably so so much more that we don't know about their achievements.

(also they had nicknames for each other based off of animals, they were the school geeks no questions asked.)

when the marauders are about to get expelled for their pranks.
just gonna post an image for this one.

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