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If you haven't seen anything about it by now, it's an account (which I'm one of the admins for) that was created to /hopefully/ help in minimising if not completely destroYinG the unnecessary girl hate that is present in the Harry Potter canon/fandom

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If you haven't seen anything about it by now, it's an account (which I'm one of the admins for) that was created to /hopefully/ help in minimising if not completely destroYinG the unnecessary girl hate that is present in the Harry Potter canon/fandom

(just a btw- the founder of this account is no other than the amazing wormy so you aLrEaDy know it's gonna be good)

As seen on the account, we have a bunch of different books which are all designated to different topics we'll talk about. For example, there's the "QUEENS OF RANDOM" book which is, like the name suggests, just there for any posts or questions we have to you guys as an account in general.

Also, there's the "EMBRACING ALL GIRLS" book, which focuses on particular females in Harry Potter per each chapter, talks about their canon and fandom hate and why it's DuMb and discusses each of the characters' traits (flaws too, never deflaw characters guys!)

So yeah, you should really follow and read if you want to help us make this fandom a less hateful place!

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