wow, age affects your perspective

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holy shit I've had this draft planned out for a long time. its about time i actually write it.

do you know what I've noticed, age. that sentence literally didn't make any sense, let me do this again.

age affects your perspective, simple enough. it came to my attention that the emotions i feel while reading Harry Potter have changed so much since when i was a teeny child (im still teeny but shush)

so here's a list of a shit ton of opinions i had once first reading Harry Potter that are now different/ completely opposite. (i'll try to do a paragraph per point but i might go overboard im sorry in advance)

i'll start of with characters and then get to some of the events that happened.

with all due sadness, i'll admit that i fell for "You have your mother's eyes." . now, i didn't CRY when Snape died but i was really fucking upset bc 'awh he's such a gud boy'. i was never a giant Snape fangirl, nor did i hate James and ship Snily, but there was a part of me that liked him quite a bit. i don't know what fucking priorities my little brain had but having Snape say that Harry has his mother's eyes had me ready to forgive and welcome Snape with open arms.

honestly i feel like that says a lot about the vulnerability of children, in my head it was literally fucking okay for someone to be forgiven for bullying and tormenting children all because the 'love of their life' had died. 'What Mr Bully? You mentally abused kids for years because Harry's mummy didn't like you after you called her a racial slur? Oh golly gal that's okay here you're all forgiven.' idk man, kids.

I'm sorry for liking you, Snape.

Cho Chang and Lavender Brown. i hated the bitches. i literally hated Cho because her fucking boyfriend died and she was dealing with a whole lot of mental shit while Harry was trying to make moves on her. if anything, i should've really been annoyed at Harry and not Cho. and though i don't think that i would personally be friends with Cho irl, it gave little me no right to hate someone because of their grief. there's no need to explain this further, she was in a mentally bad place, poor Cho.

oh and Lav, poooor Lav. i also don't see us being friends but i fucking love her. just imagine Draco and Pansy in this too because what i'm going to say will relate to both; i hated Lavender because she was clingy. all she wanted was to get with ron and would constantly pester her 'boyfriends' to give her attention.

(remember that i, in all shape and form, love Ron AND Ronmione with all my heart and would not change it for anything)

but it never did cross my mind that Lavender constantly felt the way Hermione did when she saw her and Ron together. fuck, Ron dated Lavender because he felt the effects of fame for some time. while he had obvious feeling for Hermione the whole time.

" 'I love you, Hermione,' said Ron ...........

'Don't let Lavender hear you say that.'

'I won't," said Ron into his hands "Or maybe I will ... then she'll ditch me' "

YOU CANT TELL ME THATS NOT A FUCKING EVIL ASS THING TO DO. come ON people. she claimed to be in love, whatever that means. and Ron knew this yet kept keeping her hopes up and didn't break up with her for some good fucking time.

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