why my mum and i are slytherin while my stepdad is a gryffindor

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my mum and stepdad work at the same place and their boss is a huge dick. like a huge dick.

boi he's such a sexist i won't even get into it but trust me when I say HE'S A DICK, okay moving on. each year he throws like a Christmas party for people that work in his business so this year is obviously no different.

(here come the housing part)
they both wanted to get on his nerves and like give him a lesson for being a cunt.

so me and my mum were like "okay let's go and order the most expensive food and make him pay hahah dick"

take a shot every time i say the word dick.

and then my stepdad throws this fit like "nO lEtS nOt Go AnD mAkE hIm UpSeT bC hE oBvIoUsLy WaNtEd Us To Go."

and idk i just find it so funny. like of course he'd think that, fucking gryffindor. yay for housing stereotypes !!1!1

that's basically it. nothing interesting. i'm overly tired from all exams and revision and i just want to sleep so sorry for no updates.

i did write some of "Mansion" tho, go check it out xoxo.

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