some sad 20 questions

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@kirajmalfoy did this and im just very sad, this week is going terribly so im cheering myself up with questions bc why the fuck not. alsO im publishing before school because i already want to die and it isn't even 8am.

i. thing you cannot leave the house without?
Probably my phone. How else will my mother spam my phone with texts asking where I am when she's the one who let me go out.

ii. favourite brand of makeup?

iii. favourite flowers?
Tulips, lavenders, heather flowers and roses I guess.

Also, am I like the only one who doesn't like sunflowers? Because I don't.

iv. favourite clothing store?
I mean I like urban outfitters but who's gonna pay £60 for a plain yellow shirt. Probably me actually I have an obsession.

v. favourite perfume?
Idk I just wear those "body mist" things from VS because they usually have like 'buy one get one half-price' sales so yeah.

vi. heels or flats?
High flats. Like platform shoes or some shit bc I'm short but also they're comfortable.

vii. do you get good grades?
I try to.

viii. favourite colours?
Yellow, maroon, dark green, blue, silver.

I'm not gonna write black and white bc some shithead will tell me that they're shades not colours so,

ix. do you drink energy drinks?
Those bitches stopped working a looooonnnnnggggg time ago. All I need now is sleep.

x. do you drink juice?
Orange for the win yo. Yh I do.

xi. do you like swimming?
Idek if I can swim.

xii. do you eat fries with a fork?
Yeah sometimes, fight me.

xiii. what's your favourite moisturiser?
These questions are so randomly specific I'm laughing.

xiv. do you want to get married later on in life?

xv. do you get mad easily?
Yeah, I guess I do. It's like my mood switches way to fast for me to note it down but I can go from happy to in need of sobbing in minutes.

xvi. are you into ghost hunting?
No. Think about it, if you were a ghost would you want to be hunted? Because I for sure wouldn't.

xvii. any phobias?
Lots. Not really but still a lot.

xviii. do you bite your nails?
I used to but then I got braces and couldn't do anything with my teeth for like 2 weeks and I stopped so yay braces.

xix. have you ever had a near death experience?
I must have. I don't remember specifics but probably. OH WAIT SHIT YEAH it's a long ass story but it involves injections and a car park. Not drugs.

xx. do you drink coffee?
Eh, I prefer like tea. But I'll drink it if I must/feel like it.

-that's it and I'm still as tired as ever

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that's it and I'm still as tired as ever. how sad rip me 2k17 okay imma go hell now bye.

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