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^they're a thing you know, people actually have a right to have them.

and although someone else's opinions might annoy you, that doesn't give you the right to be a straight up dick about it.

(since this book is MAINLY harry potter inspired i will be basing most of my examples off of it but i might go off track sometimes, sowy)

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(since this book is MAINLY harry potter inspired i will be basing most of my examples off of it but i might go off track sometimes, sowy)

take my draco rant/chapter;

in the beginning, i mentioned my friend who likes snape. now, we all know that i really don't like snape.  so obviously, i shared my opinion about him being an arse with her. which ISNT wrong.

i didn't pressure her into liking him nor did i end my good friendship with her. that's because i respect her opinion and know that my dislike for a certain character doesn't mean that she should also hate the said character.

aren't opinions so fun !!!

aren't opinions so fun !!!

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all you reading this are suuuuper good with opinions. and im not saying that because i, like, want to suck up to you or shit, it's simply true.

(again) in the draco chapter, you all seemed to agree with me on that he's a precious bean and needs to be protected at all times. which is all good since there's no need to argue on my opinion.

but then there's the 'ships i don't like/support/ship' (or something like that) chapter.

in which i mention dramione and my dislike towards the ship.

now a lot of people reading this, DO ship dramione. AND THAT IS 100% fine.

honestly i love it when people comment things like "awh i ship it tho" and stuff. idk why tho, i guess it just makes me happy that people feel comfortable enough to share their, opposite to mine, opinions.

honestly im really lucky that you're not a bunch of dicks who would shout at me for sharing my opinion with you.

i would write more butttt it's v late and i have to wake up v early to catch my flight tomorrow

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i would write more butttt it's v late and i have to wake up v early to catch my flight tomorrow.


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