why is no one talking about young Harry (and bonus McGonagall headcannon)

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**apparently i wrote "McGona" in the title so i edited that, nothing else changed

for a while now, there has been this theroy going around that from OOTP until (no exact end) Harry was suffering with depression. i pretty much agree with this theory, since all people who have ranted about it gave great points to support.

it only recently came to my attention that noone really talks about the YOUNG Harry and his struggles; so i thought i'd do it.

no, I don't particulary think that PS -> OOTP Harry was depressed. but he had most certanly been affected by the earlier events of his life, which could've lead to some slightly more minor issues.

let's take the first time i cried in the books (and movies); Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, chapter "The Mirror of Erised"

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let's take the first time i cried in the books (and movies); Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, chapter "The Mirror of Erised"

"He had a powerful kind of ache inside him, half joy, half terrible sadness. How long he stood there, he didn't know."

"Harry couldn't eat. He had seen his parents and would be seeing them again tonight."

"But Harry only had one thought in his head, which was to get back in front of the mirror, and Ron wasn't going to stop him."

um idk seems pretty legit to me.

In the mirror, Ron saw himself as headboy and quidditch capitan (poor Ronnykins wanting to live up to his older brothers' legacy owy my heart), which was obviously what he desired most. However, he didn't come back to see his fantasy again. Unlike Harry, who kept coming back to see his parents.

I don't blame him, imagine seeing your deceased parents for the first time since you were a baby. It's not weird considering his circumstances, what IS slightly strange is his lack of eating, ignoring his bestfriend and the fact that he'd frequently loose track of time.

Again, those symptoms could possibly be explained by the orphan boy craving to see his parents, but at what point does craving become obsession?

idk idk don't shoot.

oh and then somewhere in Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, remember how Harry was thinking about willingly letting himself get attacked by dementors just so he could hear his parents' voices

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oh and then somewhere in Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, remember how Harry was thinking about willingly letting himself get attacked by dementors just so he could hear his parents' voices.


since dementors have the ability to kill you, aren't those basically some form of suicidal thoughts?

like it would've been a possibility for George, after Fred's death, to have much more obvious suicidal thoughts because he wanted to be with his brother. right, so this kid has basically the same thoughts, just instead of death it's having your soul sucked out and he isn't doing it to be with his parents but to hear their voices.

and also;

talk about this please

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talk about this please.

this poor fucking child was showing obvious signs of some sort of mental health issue from an early age and all some people can talk about is how drarry or dramione should've happened instead of Hinny.

but then i also like to think that McGonagall knew what he was dealing with, having taught both James and Lily she knew when he was overly upset or bothered by something. So eventhough he never really voiced his problmes out loud, she knew how to help him anonymously enough so that his pride wouldn't be wounded (Lily never liked anyone helping her since she thought she was capable of doing everything on her own.)

So she allowed him to start quidditch early. Yes, it was because he was amazing and the team needed a seeker. But she knew the joy it would bring both James and Lily if they were still alive and therefore would also make Harry beam with pride in himself.

And she sent him a broom. It may not seem like much, but while Harry thought that she was really passionate about wanting Gryffindor to win (which she was) McGonagall brough him closer to an activity which his father loved with all his heart.

"Have a biscuit Potter." such a simple and amusing quote. It's now become a meme, hell it's even the name of this book. But did anyone ever think why she said that? Was it because she, quite obviously, didn't like Umbridge and didn't want to punish him for something she agreed with? Or was it a motherly, calming gesture she felt like Lily would do if Harry ever got too wound up over something.

She also willingly dulled Snape and sent away the whole of the Slytherin house (im still v mad about that) to ensure Harry's safety.

Did she or did she not adore him and want to help him deal with his struggles in every way that she could? i think she did.

wow, did i just make a headcannon? this was meant to be a short little bonus, oops.

wow, did i just make a headcannon? this was meant to be a short little bonus, oops

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