OC names

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so, i recently became really interested in OC names and the process of choosing them

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so, i recently became really interested in OC names and the process of choosing them. because for me it comes quite simply; i just plan the plot for the book and while thinking about a backstory for the OC a couple of names pop up in my head.

for example, for Artemis [from Lacuna] i knew that i wanted a Greek mythology kind of name. i didn't want to be basic and choose Athena and i liked Artemis, while a friend (hi moons or wormy idk which one of you said it) suggested Rhea. and thus Artemis Rhea Sinclair was born.

i find it much easier picking names while already knowing the background stories of my characters. it gives me a lead so that i know where to look for names, like if i'd like a Romanian name or a Shakespeare inspired name. a simple google search for "female/male names from Shakespeare plays" usually does the trick.

for other characters, like Axel [from Would You Be So Kind], i don't have a specific request for their names. i had Axel's backstory, faceclaim chapter AND preface written before i actually decided on his name. i spent some time looking at just normal baby name websites (tip; i like to scroll down to the least 50-100 popular names since they're very pretty and i like them) and decided that i wanted his name to start with 'A', which was a v random decision.

i liked alec a lot but then deciding against it, since i was actually thinking about using Matthew Daddario as a faceclaim for a while. so then my mind went to Alex BUT as i know too many Alexes irl i settled on Axel. (his surname is 'Wright' as it sounded very common/muggle like to me and then his middle name, Laurence, was just a random name i in liked that i found on another baby name website)

thinking about it, sometimes when i cant think of a pureblood surname, or even a surname in general, i go on random name generators and click a couple of times before picking one that i like.

how do you pick your names? i'd love to know tbh since maybe i'll copy some of your ideas ;))

OH AND ALSO im currently browsing for a new name for my OC character so if you wanna write like a name you like or something i wouldn't be mad. tho plz don't get offended if i don't choose your name. it has to, like, CONNECT with my oc idk it sounds weird but i'll just know if a name is right *shrug*

(i've been doing quite a lot of 'comment your...' chapters recently, sorry?)

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