Chapter 2

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Daveed had found out that Y/N now worked at the theater, instead of becoming an actor there. Daveed was now one of the actors in Hamilton, who currently was in the theater. She was 29, and had no expectations on what the theater could bring. She told Daveed that her personality was very flirty and angsty most of the time, which explained her smirking and getting in arguments jokingly with some of the cast. “So, Mr. Diggs. Tell me about you,” she looked at Daveed and took a sip of (favorite drink) that she had ordered, along with (food). He started with his family life, what his dreams were, and what he liked and disliked, which she had all listened to and didn’t interrupt, which Daveed liked a lot. She nodded and smiled at the things he said, and even laughed genuinely whenever he made a joke. Daveed eventually found himself falling more and more for this woman. She smiled at him after he finished, “You seem interesting, Mr. Diggs.” She took a sip of her drink and looked at Daveed with a gleam in her eyes, he blushed and sipped at his drink himself, looking down from her gaze. She giggled and covered her mouth, Daveed looked up confused as she gazed back at him, “You must be flustered easily, hmm?” She asked, resting her head on the palm of her hand, gazing at Daveed while eating some of her food that she had ordered. He chuckled and smiled, “I guess so, at least around you, love.” He winked at her, making her turn red herself, she giggled and smiled at him. “So he flirts?” They both started laughing slightly as the waiter came back and set the check down and left, Daveed started taking out this wallet, but Y/N had already called the waiter back and paid, giving them a tip too. “I could’ve paid, love.” She looked at him and smiled slightly, “No, it’s fine. I have money. You don’t need to, take it as a token of a new friendship.” His smile faltered slightly at ‘Friendship’ but he tried to still smile to hide it up, “Daveed you just became friends with her, you can’t possibly be falling in love with someone you legit just met, right?” he thought to himself. ‘Ugh, just calm down Daveed, you aren’t in love with her anyways, it’s just a measly crush that’ll go away in like a week.’ He coughed as he realized that Y/N was gathering up her stuff and he was just sitting there, spacing out. “You good, Daveed?” She asked, grabbing her bag, he nodded and smiled at her, “Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking for a bit.” He explained, grabbing his things as they walked out the door together, “So, where should we go next?” She asked, “Hmm, I dunno, what about you?” He replied, “What about (place)?” Y/N suggested, “Sure, sounds good.” They started walking down the streets of NYC to (place), while Y/N and Daveed started rambling together, finding anything random to talk about while they were walking to the place Y/N suggested, it was clear they were slowly falling in love the more they talked and talked. They got to (place) and started walking around there, casually picking up items and looking at them once and a while, putting some things in the (cart/basket). “Ooooh! What about this, Dav?” Y/N said, using the nickname that she had come up with for the taller man. He looked at the item she had picked up and thought of Y/N as soon as he saw it. ‘This’ll be perfect as a gift for her!” he smiled and nodded, “That’s really pretty. We should definitely get it.” He suggested, picking up the item and looking at it, ‘This will totally be a good gift for her.’ He thought, putting it in the (cart/basket). They continued looking and putting items in their (cart/basket) for a few more minutes before going to the checkout, “Okay. Your total with be 22.09,” The cashier said, smiling at the 2 before Daveed handing them the money and paying for everything, they grabbed the bags and started walking back to Y/N’s apartment, setting everything down. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the theater for started walking back to Y/N’s apartment, setting everything down. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the theater for rehearsals?” Y/N asked, smirking at Daveed. “Will do, Ms. L/N.”

I'm so sorry this took forever! I've had major writer's block so I couldn't really write everything. Along with Christmas it's been hectic. I'm working on chapter 3 Right Now, so if it's not posted tonight it will be tomorrow.

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