Chapter 15

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(Hey. I'm trying to post longer chapters now, maybe over 500 words at least. Longer chapters, less frequent updates. More detailed chapters, less frequent updates. So, tell me what you would prefer!)

Daveed walked in while Y/N was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee. "Oh. Hey." She smiled at him, "Hey~" He walked over and sat down beside her, kissing her cheek and quickly stealing her coffee. "hEy!" She screeched, trying to get it out of his hands, he chuckled and took a sip and looked at her. "I don't like you." She said playfully, trying to play an angry face, but failing miserably. They eventually burst out laughing after around 17 seconds of Y/N trying to be angry at Daveed. She playfully punched him in his arm and fell back on his lap, "I want my coffeeeee." she whined, reaching for the cup. "Nah, I like it." He smirked. "pleeeeeeaaasssseee?" She begged, sitting up on his lap and cuddling into the crook of his neck, he chuckled and sat the coffee down on the coffee table as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.
"What do you wanna do today?" He asked, "Maybe we can go to the theater? I need to see Jazz." She said, "Or we can go out for a walk sometime, anything you wanna do I'm okay with." He raised an eyebrow at her, "Anything?" He purred, "Not like that you weirdo!" She laughed and punched his arm playfully. "Aw, okay." He chuckled and kissed her cheek, "We'll chill here for now. We can go for a walk after we go to the theater and visit, sound okay?" Y/N nodded and wrapped her arms around him while cuddling. "I'm sleepy." She said as she yawned, "Do you wanna take a quick nap before we go to the theater?" He asked, she nodded while he felt her grip tightened, 'She's definitely falling asleep,' he thought.
Daveed softly laid down Y/N and pulled the blankets over her body, kissed her on the forehead, and gently closed the door after walking out.
DiggIt: Hey, Y/N is asleep and were coming to the theater in around 2 Hours.
PippaSoo: yEss! I need my Y/N
JokesOnJazz: I call dibs
GoldBerry: Sad, I wanted Y/N 😒
LinMin: I'll get her before aLL of you
ANThony: I aM F U NNY
GoldBerry: okay bye, I'm making hot cocoa
JokesOnJazz: you didn't
GoldBerry: I did
PippaSoo: Renee why.
GoldBerry: Hey, it's cold!

Daveed laughed and shut off his phone, he decided to watch a few shows on Netflix before Y/N woke up, so he'd have something to do while waiting. He turned on Netflix and shuffled through the shows, "This looks interesting." He mumbled to himself, clicked on a show, and laid back.
-1 Hour Later-
Daveed heard shuffling coming from Y/N's and his room, so he decided to check it out. He walked down the hallway to their bedroom and opened the door to find Y/N struggling to get out of the blankets she managed to wrap herself in. "Need help?" He asked, she looked at him with the 'obviously I need help you oversized cucumber' look. "Okay, okay!" He walked over and unwrapped the remaining blankets from her body, "We have an hour to kill before we go to the theater." He told her, "I'll just start getting ready. It's easier for me." She shrugged and walked into the bathroom to start getting ready.
-1 Hour later-
Y/N had finished her makeup and got dressed, she decided to go with this

She walked out of the bathroom and looked at Daveed, "Ready to go?" She asked, he nodded and stood up, dusting his pants off

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She walked out of the bathroom and looked at Daveed, "Ready to go?" She asked, he nodded and stood up, dusting his pants off. "On to the theater!"

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