Chapter 5

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Y/N had decided on nit wearing a dress, just for of a fancy casual outfit.

Daveed rang the doorbell as Y/N opened it, "Ready to g- Oh my lord you look amazing!" Daveed said,  smiling at her, "Thhhaaanks! Les goo!" She said, trying to hide her blush as much as she could

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Daveed rang the doorbell as Y/N opened it, "Ready to g- Oh my lord you look amazing!" Daveed said, smiling at her, "Thhhaaanks! Les goo!" She said, trying to hide her blush as much as she could. The car ride was silent, but not an uncomfortable one. Once they arrived they got out, walking inside the semi-fancy restaurant finding their table. "OOOHOHO! Who's the lady, Daveed?" Lin asked, smirking at Daveed and Y/N, "this is Y/N, or the girl that smacked Anthony." Daveed said, nudging Y/N smirking, "Hi, sorry for smacking you anthony." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. Anthony chuckled, "you're good. No hard feelings" he smiled at her as she smiled back. The two sat down as Anthony and Y/N Immediately started talking to eachother, Daveed could see a mischievous glint in his eyes, Daveed knew that anthony was up to something, his feelings were confirmed when anthony flirted with Y/N, she immediately turned red. "U-uhm, excuse me.." she got out of her chair and walked to the bathroom, "Anthony, what in the actual fuck?" Daveed whisper yelled, gritting his teeth. "What? She's pretty, fiesty, and DAMN t-" Anthony was cut off by Lin, "Anthony, stop, you could of just scared her off you imbecile." Lin glared at Anthony, so he shut up. Y/N came back from the bathroom and sat back down, so Daveed put his arm around her, Y/N stiffened up but later relaxed, used to his warmth.

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