
702 8 19

I was tagged, :))))))))
Totally not mentally screaming,

Rules for I tag:
1) You can't refuse
2) You can't re-tag the person you were tagged by
3) You must do this in a week's time
4) You must have a creative title
5) You must tell 13 things about yourself
6) You must do the is a chapter

Yea thats all I remember.
I was tagged by Alamau

13 Things about me~
1) I'm a smartass, If you tell me not to do something I'll do it on purpose if you've annoyed me too much.
2) I'm a living lamppost, 6'4 to be exact.
3) I can't deal with people that bully people for their looks, I'm not the most beautiful but..If you bully someone for how they physically look you're dead to me.
4) I have social anxiety, I can't make any new friends for the life of me.
5) My school needs to get their shit together, I have a bottom locker.
Bottom, locker.
6) I can drink 2 jugs of sweet tea in 1 day.
7) I have 4 cats and 1 dog, all of my cats are assholes.
8) Alot of people say I can draw, I highly disagree but--
9) My favorite food is mac N cheese
10) I'm called the Jefferson of the group.
11) My favorite Color is maroon or dark red
12) I'm 10% blind in my left eye
13) I'm a French baguette~

Here's who I tag:


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