Chapter 14

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Y/N woke up in her bedroom, a cup of hot tea on her bedside table. 'Guess I woke up at the right time.' She thought, she sat up and took a sip of the tea, a knock at her bedroom door was heard. "Come in." She said, and damn..She had never heard her morning voice but, her voice went 500 levels deeper. (Shit this happens to me and I sound like a damn bear.) Daveed walked in, "Morning~ Hows the tea?" He asked, falling back onto the bed. She smiled and giggled, "Great, thanks for making it." He smiled, "Anything for you, love." He kissed her forehead and walked out. Y/N got up and picked out an outfit for he day, not knowing if the couple were going anywhere. So she decided on this:

(This is how I imagine the readers body type, the bag doesn't have to be included

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(This is how I imagine the readers body type, the bag doesn't have to be included.) Y/N walked down the stairs and sat at the island on one of the stools. "So, what are we doing today?" She asked, resting her head on her palm. "Well, I was thinking that we could stay here today since tomorrow I have a recording session with clipping." Daveed said, falling back onto the couch, "Sounds good, I gotta go to the store though. Were almost out of milk and I need to get some other things." She mentally made a list of what to get. "Okay, I have to go by the theatre later anyways, if your back before then, we can go together or you can stay here." He smiled at her slightly, she smiled back and grabbed her phone and wallet. "Love you!" She called as she walked out of the door closing it behind her, she walked down the streets of New York, taking in every light and beautiful building around her. She started summing a random tune that came into her head as she got closer to the store, she walked in and shopped for anything they needed at her apartment. Y/N walked up to the checkout and paid, grabbing the bags and putting them in a bigger one, and started toward her apartment once again. She opened the door to her apartment to see if Daveed was still there or not, and he wasn't. She sat the bag down on the counter and fell back onto the couch, sighing out of exhaustion. 'Carrying those goddamn bags are hard. Especially if you have to walk.' she thought to her self.

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