Chapter 7

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"Renée says she loves it." Daveed said, smiling at the smaller girl. "Her last show is next Friday, so I have time to make it!" Y/N smiled, putting the sketch into her folder. Daveed once again smiled at how passionate she was, "I'll be right back, Imma change into something more comfy." She hopped up and walked into her bedroom. "What the heck I gotta do, to be with you." Daveed sang softly, laying back on the couch and crossing his hands over his chest, Y/N came bouncing down the hallway in some sweats and a long sweater. She smiled and slid over to the couch, sitting on Daveeds legs. She hugged him and slowly fell asleep, Daveed tensed up but slowly relaxed, kissing her head and falling asleep himself. "What do you think happened with them?" Y/N heard a voice, she woke up and looked around to find Anthony and Oak. "What-" Y/N was cut off by Anthony, "Are you two dating?~" he said with a smirk, but Y/N knew it was fake, "What? No!" She whisper yelled, trying not to wake up Daveed. "Surrreeee, I'll believe that whenever I get 10 billion dollars." Oak said, Y/N knew they were up to something.

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