Chapter 17

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F/B/G= Favorite book genre
F/M= favorite movie

Y/N was walking down the street, casually sipping a coffee that she had taken from Daveed's Keurig cups that he had recently bought. Hey, they were good! She walked into the library to find some books that she could read, as she had recently finished her bookshelf of books, and she was proud of herself for doing that. "Hello Miss! Can I help you today?" The librarian smiled, "Uhm, actually yes. Where are your F/B/G?" She asked, smiling back slightly. "Ah, there in isle 7." The librarian pointed to where they where, "thank you." Y/N walked into the isle and started looking around at the books, picking out around 8 and walking to the front desk, setting them down. "I'd like to purchase these." The librarian looked up and smiled, nodding as she scanned each of the books, "You'd like to purchase these, not rent them, correct?" She asked. Y/N nodded as she finished scanning the books, "That'll be 37.32" she smiled at Y/N. Y/N got out her wallet and pulled out 40.00 dollars, "keep the change, thank you." Y/N smiled and took the bag of books, walking out to go back home and chill for a while. 'I'll finish the commissions later,' she thought. She had recently became larger as an artist, and was getting more commissions, which meant more money. Which was fine with her. She opened the door and kicked off her shoes, happily setting her bag of books down on the kitchen counter, 'I'll put them up later.' She thought, 'I need a cup of coffee.' She took one of her Keurig cups and put it in the machine, and doing everything else to make her coffee. As the Keurig was making the cup of coffee, she heard the front door open and close. She looked into the living room to see Daveed with a pizza box in hand, "I thought we could have pizza and watch movies tonight." He said, smiling.  Y/N smiled back and nodded, "sounds perfect, let me finish making my coffee and we can start this movie night." She grabbed her newly finished cup of coffee and sat it down on the coffee table, hugging Daveed. "Where'd you go?" She asked, looking up at Daveed, "oh, nowhere important. What movie do you want to watch?" He asked fairly quickly, but not quick enough for Y/N to notice. "Hmm, what about F/M?" She suggested, "Sounds good." He smiled and sat the pizza down on the table and sat down beside Y/N, her cuddling into his side. They both started to eat the pizza and eventually both fell asleep of the couch together. But little did Y/N know, that place he went was very important, and would change their relationship and Y/N's opinion on Daveed.

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