Chapter 11

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Sorry that I was offline for a while, school is hell.

BTW I walked home for the first time in my life and I was so paranoid, yes I walked with a group so I'm fine. Now, on to the chapter.

Y/N woke up with an arm wrapped tightly around her waist like she was going to disappear if they let go. She turned around slightly so she could see who it was, and found Daveed laying beside her, asleep. She tensed up, not knowing what had happened the night before, so she quickly looked under the bedsheets, 'At least I'm wearing clothes.' She relieved. Y/N tried to remove Daveeds arm so she could get up, but it just made it worse, his arm tightened around her as he mumbled, "No, stay.." so she eventually gave up on trying to get out. Some of Daveeds hair shifted, a chuck falling on Y/N's face making her sneeze. This woke Daveed up, "Oh, good morning." He smiled at her, she finished wiping her nose with the tissue she managed to get with some work. "Good morning, curly fry." She smiled, snuggling closer to him, not wanting to leave his warmth. "Do you have a show today?" she said softly, playing with strands of his hair, "I don't, It's Monday." He said returning the tone of voice, she nodded and smiled slightly, slowly falling asleep in his warmth. "I love you.." She whispered before she fell asleep gripping onto his shirt. Daveed heard this and turned red, eventually calming back down and petting her hair softly, "I love you too," He whispered before taking her grip off his shirt and walking downstairs to make breakfast. 15 minutes later he came back upstairs to find her still asleep, wrapped in blankets. Daveed chuckled and went over to wake her up, he took off a few layers of the blankets and shook her a little bit. She groaned and swatted his hand away, "I made F/B." (Favorite breakfast) She jumped up, "Where is it?!" She said, jumping out of bed, "Downstairs on the counter." He said chuckling, "YES!" she yelled, running down the stairs.

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