Chapter 12

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Y/N and Daveed were walking to the park, "So, Renee's dress.." Daveed started, "Is already made." Y/N finished, winking at the end. Daveed smiled and chuckled, "By the way, I never really told you, but I left Hamilton...I left last Tuesday." He said, silently hoping her answer was good, She looked confused for a second but later shrugged. "Your decision, not mine." She smiled at him, he held his hand out for her to take, and she gladly took it. They got to the park eventually, "so, 'uhm... I've been meaning to ask you something, but I never got to it.." Daveed said, scratching his neck as they sat down under a tree. "Okay..Shoot." she smiled at him slightly, "ireallylikeyouandiwannadateyou" he said really quickly, "say that a little slower.." she giggled alittle, "I really like you and I wanna date you, so..'Uhm.. will you go out with me..?" He said nervously, Y/Ns eyes lit up, "Duh!" She smiled at him. Daveed looked up at her and smiled, he hugged her and kissed her cheek, this made Y/Ns cheeks heat up and she smiled. "I love you." He leaned his forehead on hers, "I love you too." She said, "You know, were somehow gonna have to tell the cast." Daveed chuckled, "and that's gonna cause Lin to almost pass out, I've received so many texts from him saying that we should get together." She smiled, "Lin is gonna freak, We might as well go to the theatre." She said, looking at him for approval. "Yea, that is true. Let's go, love." He got up and held his hand out for her, she took his hand and pulled herself up. They started their walk to the theatre, talking about how they were gonna tell the cast, without causing them to all freak out. Little did they know, it would hurt Anthony the most, finding out that he was too late to tell her how he felt.

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