Chapter 10

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Y/N was at home, Daveed decided that it was dark enough to go home, so he did. It was now 5 AM, and Y/N hadn't slept whatsoever. She was in her bed sobbing, her anxiety decided to kick in. She was trembling, crying, scared and all of the above, she hadn't had an attack since she was 15, she was now 31. (I'm doing this because Diggs is 35, so ye ;}) "F-Fuck, uhm, s-shit what do I d-do," She said to herself, 'Just wait it out like you did years ago' she thought. She curled up in a ball, and silently hoped that it would end soon, 'call daveed' she thought, so she slowly picked up her phone with her trembling hands. She typed in his number as the phone started to ring. "Hello?-" Daveeds groggy voice came through the phone, "U-uhm, Daveed..I-I.." She started, but Daveed cut her off "Woah, Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, concern in his voice, "N-no, anxi-iety.." she said, her voice trembling. "I'm coming over, wait like 5 minutes okay?" He said, getting up to get dressed, "O-okay." She hung up and layed back down, still a sobbing mess, a few minutes later there was a knock at the door. She got up as she wrapped a blanket around herself, unlocking the door and letting Daveed in, he wrapped her in a hug "Lets get you back in bed, okay?" He whispered, walking the smaller woman back to bed. She slowly got back in the bed, tears still streaming down her face, Daveed kissed her forehead. "I'll go make some tea, okay?" He said softly, turning her lamp on, she nodded, "ok-kay," she said, turning Netflix on so she could occupy herself while the tea was still being made. She wrapped herself in the blankets, a few minutes later Daveed came bac with 2 cups of warm tea. He handed her the tea, sitting his on the beside table, he climbed in beside her slowly. He wrapped the blankets around the both of them, sitting her in his lap. He played with her hair, "are you okay?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her middle. She nodded slightly, leaning into him, "thanks, Dav.." she said softly, he kissed her head, laying back on the bed so it would be more comfortable for the both of them. They both fell asleep in the comfortable silence, in each others presence.

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