Chapter 13

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Y/N and Daveed arrived at the theatre, "I have some news!~" Dvaeed called in a sing-song voice. Lin slid into view, as well as the rest of the cast, "We're officially dating.." Y/N said with pride. Everyone started screaming, Lin being the loudest one, Anthony's eyes went wide as he excused himself. No-one had noticed that Anthony had feelings for Y/N, not even Daveed. Daveed wrapped his arm around Y/N, squeezing her slightly, she smiled and kissed his cheek. Lin ran over and squeezed Y/N in a hug, and then let go, "Hurt her and I break your arm." Lin warned at Daveed, Lin had always been a father figure toward Y/N. Daveed nodded and chuckled, "We'll be off. I'll see you at Renees final show!" Daveed called as the couple walked out. "So, are we going back to my place or yours?" Y/N asked Daveed, smiling, "Mine, we can watch a movie if you want." The smaller woman nodded and fixed her outfit as Daveed unlocked his door. She walked in and fell back onto the couch, exhausted, "tired?" Daveed asked, chuckling as he sat down beside her, she nodded and spread out across his lap. He turned on the TV and flicked to a movie, soon Y/N fell asleep like his, giving Daveed the chance to admire her features. Her plump lips slightly ajar as her chest slowly rose and fell, her hand clutched against Daveeds shirt.

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