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Miranda is straight forward and honest.

Too honest sometimes it sounds like insults but she's just speaking her mind and I prefer that than her hiding the fact that she's watching me.

The girls are frantic over today's massive screening.

75 girls gone today and I have a gut feeling I may be one of them.

The only thing that would save me is Devon possibly having my back.

Guiel says I have to go all out with it being the first time the prince is going to see me but that's not my style.

"So have you - ow," I hiss glaring at him and he just shines me a smile

"If you put on some weight like I instructed, that wouldn't be a problem." He retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Like I was saying, have you met the prince before?"

He lets out a breath, "Honestly, I didn't know there was a prince in the first place and I've lived here for 7 years, as you know."

The Royals really did keep him in the shadows but yet Samantha claims to be his childhood friend so he couldn't have been that hidden.

A knock sounded from my room and Guiel looked worried, "I'm not finished." He says, angry with himself as he started furiously sowing.

The door opened and showed Devon instead who looked at me and nodded his head, "Just making sure you're not wearing jeans."

Exactly what I was going to wear if Guiel didn't instruct otherwise.

"Any advice?" I ask ignoring the look Guiel gave me as he puts two and two together and gets his answers.

"Can't today, Queen Elise." He says taking a piece a fruit from the bowl of fruit that are in all the rooms, "I'm supposed to be impartial, the Queen is going to give me such a harsh time for even looking at you."

I nod understanding, "Well, thanks for dropping by."

"Welcome. Don't say anything stupid or rash," he says plopping a grape in his mouth, "I've done too much work to get you here, the prince has no reason to not put you through."

With that he left and Guiel looks at me, "You better not be sleeping with him, you know I'll be forced to tell if you are."

"Why does everyone think that?" I ask with a little laugh, "He's like in love with Sapphire, who actually I haven't heard from."

"The original short haired girl that left?" He asks and i nod my head, "She was pretty, hope she's not dead already, the army is pretty tough on women."

I frown realising that I haven't even given her a second thought, I really do hope she's okay.

Guiel cut the final piece of string and stepped back to look at me, "Perfect."

I turned to face the mirror and it was a beautiful white cocktail dress that like all Guiel's dresses for me, was tight fit showing my figure.

I guess that's better since the prince is the person I'm supposed to impress today.

"Lovely as always." I grin kissing his cheek and he smiles at me, "Thank you,"

"Welcome, my lady." He says helping me down from the podium he put me on so that he can sow on the dress.

We waited together, talked and laughed about the things that's happened to us in our lifetime and half way though Guiel's story of when he came out to his parents, there was a knock on the door.

The soldier entered it and told me its time to go, "Thanks again, Guiel." I say as I leave.

The soldier didn't say anything to me as expected and helped me into a room where Dame Knight, Sir Alafa, King Vincent, Queen Celeste and Devon sat in the middle and the large mirror placed behind them.

To think that the prince is just behind there is scary and a little nerve wrecking

"Elise Ezra, you've made it far." The Queen starts off, "I did find you boring in the beginning but you've seemed to work your way up this competition."

"Just simply being myself, your majesty." I reply, forcing a smile and Devon shakes his head slightly giving me the indication to relax.

"You impressed us in the Council task." Sir Alafa says, "I was certain I would like Cheryl but her answers weren't as well thought out as yours in the small time you were given."

"That's why I'm standing here and she isn't." I tell her back

"I believe she attacked you upon departure." Devon says and his cold detached voice shows that he's not out here to help me anymore

"I wouldn't say she-" the sound of a video playing behind me cut me off showing Cheryl phasing and trying to kill me.

Of course they recorded that but didn't try to help me whilst it happened.

"She's now hanging on for her life," Devon informs me, "You nearly wiped her out cold."

"She tried to kill me," I say with a blank expression, "Was I supposed to do, just sit there?"

"Is that what you'll tell her father when he comes demanding for an explanation." Dame Knight and I frown, what else am I suppose to do? Lie?

"Yes, right after i tell him he should have her trained better so I wouldn't have been able to do that." I quip and the King bursts out in laughter whilst Devon smirked, he set this up.

"God, she's funny." The King says before looking at his wife and shutting up once he saw her scowl.

True love right there.

"I like you." Sir Alafa announces, "You've for the spunk that any kingdom needs and we all know Devon is already in your corner."

"That was very wrong of you, by the way," the Queen starts, "You shouldn't have taken any advice from him at all."

"Just playing the game, your majesty." I reply with what Cheryl had put in me head once before.

"Well, she has my vote." Devon starts

"Mine aswell." The King adds along with the Dame and Sir Alafa.

"Only one Vote matters." The queen reminds them and their eyes turned blank as they went into their mind link, she faced me once again once out of it, "Congratulations, you're staying. Make sure to prepare yourself for the Media challenge which takes place tomorrow."


As in Tv?

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