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I couldn't spot the prince from miles away.

They put 10 men in front of us, all different hair colours, all different sizes and all wearing the same mask.

They didn't give any of them an introduction instead just putting music on and making us all dance.

I knew the prince wasn't short so that ruled out half of the men there.

A red head came towards me and asked for a dance. If I didn't know that Devon's eyes weren't green, I would have thought he were Devon but he wasn't.

"Elise Ezra. Many people are talking about you." He informs me in a deep voice but he couldn't be any older than myself

"Since you know my name it's only right that I know yours."

He smirked at me as he glided me though the floor, "Rekard Junior,"

My heart sank, he's Cheryl's brother, "Interesting."

"My sister is apparently still in hospital here." He says, his hand gripping my waist tightly, "My father will be ever so disappointed that she's no longer in the running."

"Well if I'm not mistaken, she tried to kill me and I defended myself, I would do the same again if the time called for it." I tell him trying not to be scared by the way he towered over me.

"I'm not here to kill you, Elise." He says, again with a little laughter in his tone, "If she was taken down so easily and you're here with no scratches then she doesn't deserve the name she has."

I frown deeply, "You're going disown her because she didn't kill me?"

"She's a Velaries." He answers as if that should answer everything, "She shouldn't have let you out alive."

I pulled away from him disgusted, "No wonder this game made her crazy, she has you as family." I all but scream at him, "You know she tried everything she could but it's not her fault she couldn't make it, you should be glad that she's alive and not pester on the fact the Prince isn't going to have her as a mate." I seethe, "Shame on you."

I walk away from him trying to keep my head up whilst realising that most people could hear me make an absolute fool of myself by screaming at Rekard Junior Velaries.

Walking into the hallway I release a deep breath but the sound of giggling captures my ear.

I turn to follow it down the hall and I see Devon with someone wrapped in his arms.

The girl had short hair meaning to me that she wasn't Sapphire. This prick.

He all but made her go into the army and now that she's there, he's fooling around with some short haired girl.

I was going to think better of him but then he dipped his head to kiss the girl which made my anger blaze.

Seeming to be on a roll, I furiously walked over to the pair and yank his arm off her, discarding the girl I turn at him with anger in my eyes before slapping him.

"You selfish asshole! What are you doing?" I shout at him and he looks at me with confused eyes


"No! Sapphire went out to that army for you and now you're fooling around with some-" I turn to point at the girl but her features were very familiar, "Sapphire?"

She grins at me, "Hi."

I pull her into her a hug quickly, "He told me I'll only see you at the Red Moon."

"They brought us back earlier than expected." She tells me excitedly, "Look at you here, looking beautiful."

I blush happily, "You cut your hair." I notice and she nods

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