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I looked at Sapphire differently now.

I didn't think she had it in her to win this but she may actually do it.

The advise the Queen gave her was in her favour, not as criticism.

She stayed quiet about what Devon had said to her but I know I can get it out of her any time. Just have to choose the right time.

The feast put all the girls together, Devon sat at the top of the table and there was no royals around.

Some girls gathered around him trying to weed out information but I'm pretty he's using this as a test.

"So.." I start, "Devon keeps staring at you." I whisper to Sapphire, making sure Cheryl was still talking to a girl Mayfair Pack.

She blushes deeply, "He's cute, right? I'm not blind or anything."

I smile at her lightly, maybe that's what he called her back for. To flirt.

"No he's a looker that's for sure." I say looking at him before looking at her.

"I was beginning to think I have bad taste in guys, you know, with my prior conquests."

Her exs weren't the best, but she doesn't know that her dad psyched them out every time they came over, probably drove them insane.

"You don't have bad taste." I tell her with an amused tone, "So you like him?"

"I don't know him." She responds, "I start liking someone so easily, I can't do the same with him because this isn't just our little town, there's millions of girls here who can catch his eye."

At least she wasn't stupid about it.

If he's close to the prince I'm sure he has girls using him to get to the prince but Sapphire is clearly not about that.

"As much as that's true, it doesn't stop how he's looking at you right now." I tell her and she moves her head discretely to see him staring at her whilst some brunette is talking his ear off.

She blushed again, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You know he told me to drop out,"

I frown at her, that's an option? I thought this is all compulsory.


"He said my abilities will be better suited in the army and I'm beginning to think he's right."

So she's not a top contender for the game?

Just as I was starting to believe in her. Such a shame.

"The Queen did say the same thing." I remind her and she nods her head

"Fighting is my life, you know. It'll make my dad so proud and I think I'll be happy." She utters, "I'm not graceful like Cheryl or honest like you or smart like Amy. I'm a good fighter and that's all."

"Hey," I say while nudging her shoulder, "You're beautiful, optimistic and such a lovely person. Don't compare yourself to others. Do what makes you feel happy."

She looked like she was thinking about it for a while before she gets up to leave. I watch her as she walks past Devon who then gets up to follow her.

Oh he so likes her.

"One down, thanks for that." Cheryl says shifting herself closer to me

"I wasn't purposely trying to get her out." I tell her and Cheryl shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly

"Doesn't matter now, she's out even if she doesn't actually leave, her heart isn't in it anymore."

My sleep was disturbed by a patting on my shoulder and a breath at my ear, "Elise, wake up."

I groaned slightly pushing myself up with my elbows, "Sapph-"

She shushed me, "They can hear us and I shouldn't be here."

I frown, "You're leaving?"

She actually went through with it?

"Quit just now, I'm supposed to take my stuff and not say goodbye but I don't know when I'll see you again."

I smile at her and wrap my arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug, "Don't get yourself killed."

"You too," she replies, "You're going to get far in this Elise, you may not think it but you are. You're the perfect option, don't act so nonchalant about the whole thing when you have the potential. Whatever you do, make sure you make it further than Charlize." She grinned before getting up and looking down at me, "Next time we meet you'll hopefully be Queen Elise."

She closed her bag and slung it around her back

"I'll miss you," I say, knowing that I don't think I can be as honest with anyone else as I have been with her.

"I'll miss you too." She passes me a note, "Burn this after you read it. See you around Elise."

"Bye Sapphire."

She left the room as quickly as she came in and I looked down at the note in my hand.

The next challenge is in front of the Royal Council in three days, wear something smart.

That's the biggest heads up I've ever received in my life. 

Like she instructed I went to the fire place in the lounge and put the note in the fire and watched it burn.

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