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The soldiers never actually talk to us which is why I'm always so surprised when I hear that some of the girls sleep with them.

They're cold and don't engage in conversation with me. Maybe because there's nothing to talk about.

Devon turned the corner and bumped into us, "Just the person I wanted to see." He speaks out loud before turning to the soldier, "Go get the next girl ready, I'll take her to the place."

The soldier saluted Devon before turning around sharply and leaving.

They're like loyal dogs. They don't question anything.

"Few tips before you go in there." Devon starts walking - fast, making it hard for me to follow, "The King loves eye contact but what ever you do, do not stare to long at his glass eye."

The glass eye he accustomed in a battle against the rebellious group which had Cheryl's Ancestors as the gang leaders.

I nod my head sharply and he lets out a deep breath before continuing, "Be yourself and whatever, he hates fakes but don't start with the whole I don't want the prince charade cause that gets real boring, really quickly."

I give him a blank look as we stop infront of the door, "But I don't want the prince."

He smirks at me slightly, "Then why are you still here?"

With that he leaves and I'm faced with a door to a room holding a King who dislikes me.

I knock on the door and the gruff voice saying, "Come in," follows

I enter the room and unlike the Queen, the King's quarters has a lot of open scrolls that he possibly hasn't read or looked over.

He gave me a quick glance before leaning back into his seat, the light shining off his glass eye, "Elise Ezra, you've been a black sheep in these games."

Confused, I stare at him, "I don't know what you're talking about, your majesty."

He raises me an eyebrow, "I didn't expect you to come this far, I was sure my wife would have kicked you out by the first screening, everyone else in your group being of .. higher standard than yourself."

Is he trying to insult me to my face and then have me sit and take it?

"If there were of higher standard then why am I standing in front of you today?" I question him which he smiles slowly

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." He replies before gesturing to the seat in front of me, so I can sit down. "I'm going to show you something."

He placed a tablet in front of me which looked like it was the camera to our room, I knew they would use these to pass judgment some day.

He pressed play and it must be a live footage as Cheryl and Samantha stood in the room.

"That stupid bitch tried to humiliate me in front of the council now the King too?" Cheryl seethes as Samantha stays quiet on the chair, "You know, I'm pretty sure she's sleeping with Devon, I just need proof."

How on earth did I humiliate her in front of the King?

I'm shocked at the accusation and turn to look at the King, "What was the purpose of this?"

"Are you sleeping with Devon?"

"There's cameras everywhere, wouldn't you know if I was?" I ask back to which he nods his head slowly

"But he likes you." He assumes

"He thinks I should win." I correct him, "He's been helping me which I guess you already know."

"Yes I do," he hums, "The council seem besotted with you, I still don't see it however."

"Maybe because I'm wise for my age." I answer and he purses his lips

"You're not that young. My wife would tell me otherwise but being 17 is not young, 15 maybe but 17 no." He says before picking up the tablet, swiping and placing it back on the table, "So, tell me what this is."

The video was me telling Sapphire to join the Royal Army as it would make her happier.

"Giving good advice."

He smiles, "Good advice or steering a possible Queen away from the competition?"

"Good advice." I say with a final tone, "Sapphire wouldn't be a good Queen if she wasn't happy, do you want a queen who's happier in the army than being with your son to rule the kingdom?" He stays quiet, "Didn't think so,"

"And what do you want?" He asks

"Please elaborate, your majesty."

"Do you want to be with my son?"

Devon's words sank in my heart, he warned me against telling the King I don't want to be with the Prince but also told me to be true to myself.

So I'm opting for something in the middle.

"If the prince wants me, he may have me." I say cryptically.

"But do you want him?"

"I want to find my true mate, if that is or isn't your son then it makes no difference to me." I tell him truthfully and he gives me a dark look

Maybe I said the wrong thing.
Maybe I should have acted like I want the Prince with all my heart.

He let out a bellowing laugh which rendered me speechless, "Celeste was right, I do like you." He let's out, "Sure, you're not my first choice but you're spunky and speak your mind, just like my son. I think he'll like you."

He's the second person to say that.

Maybe the Prince will like me but maybe just not as much as the other girls.

"So I'm staying?" I assume

"I guess for now." He shrugs, "Tell Cheryl to Pack her bags."

I look at him shocked, he wants me to break the news to her?

"You haven't screened Samantha yet." I remind her

"The Pritichit girl?" He asks and I nod, "Oh, she's not an actual contestant, she was there to infiltrate your group and see who's the best, each group has one. Sapphire was supposed to do just that but she left for the army."

So sapphire wasn't serious about being the princes mate? She sure knew how to act like she was.

"So every group has only one girl left?" I ask and he nods.

I've made it.
I can't believe it.

The next screen is going to be done by the prince and I'm going to be there to witness it.

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